transfered from outdoors soil to miracle grow and fed 20-20-20 but drooping a ???


Active Member
ok so these two plants were dug up from a vacant house and I puttem in miracle Grow and gave them some peters 20-20-20NPK and they're still green but just Hangin though all the leaves etc. drooping severely the question is Have these two met their demise OR will they perk back up after the shock from the soil change and being fed??? IF it'll assist in a diagnosis I'll get pictures of them tomorrow how ever assuming they do live I'm not aware of the sex yet so that will have to waite. ANYway lol do they have a chance in hell or are they just Boned???


Well-Known Member
first of all if you have it in MG soil, you shouldnt be feeding it anything, the nute's in the MG will feed your plants for up to a month or more, so if you also giveing it more nutes you run a very very high risk of over feeding it and giving it nute burn, so tip one, just feed it PH safe water..the other thing about the wilting, its most likely wilting because of the shock of transplanting, just give it water when the soil looks a lil dry, not to dry....and a lil TLC and you should have yourself a good grow....


you might me feeding them to much fertizer. you should use half as much as the label recomends or less, especially when you first start fertilizing them. it could also be from over watering, its better to use too little water than too much. wait untill the surface of the soil is dry about an inch or two down. then water them. good luck


Active Member
Ok so I've basicly just exacerbated the Shock they were already in from being uprooted and then placed in foreign soil than having food shoved down their throats huh???? OK lol Thanks for the heads question in this weakened state do I give them direct-indirect or minimal sunlight til they perk back up???


give them direct sunlight, but if its very hot where you live i would suggest bringing them inside near the end of day to give them extra recovery time overnight. dont forget to give them decent amounts of water to recover from stress. but other than that stick to the regular watering method explained above. cheers