Trailer Park Boys


Well-Known Member
Living in the U.S., I had never heard of this show until somehow stumbling on it on the net recently. I love these guys! I watched all 55 episodes, in order, in about a week lol. You definitely need to watch them in order :) There are also about 4 movies/specials. Thank you Canada, awesome show.
I have also seen all episodes and movies, found it about 5 years ago. Watching all in order is the only way to go. Gotta be one of my favorites!!


Well-Known Member
Ive also watched all of the episodes several times, i think this website is where i heard about it a few years ago.


Well-Known Member
I think Direct TV is the only major carrier in the U.S. that shows them. Their on the 101 Channel, Thursday nights. I DVR every show, fucking hilarious!



Pickle Queen
Bubbles and Lahey did a comedy tour here in canada last summer, people i lived with then ( split house) went, said it was funny shit, both were tanked from people buying them beer before they hit the stage, fuck i wish i would have went


Well-Known Member
Bubbles and Lahey did a comedy tour here in canada last summer, people i lived with then ( split house) went, said it was funny shit, both were tanked from people buying them beer before they hit the stage, fuck i wish i would have went
yeah came to a small bar in my town, only cost $15 to see them. but it was just randy and lahey, so I didn't go :lol: they just kinda hang out with people and get drunk