Trading hash for bud from dispensary?


Well-Known Member
Im a medical card hold and harvested some super leafy sativa, after an intest trim i harvested 30 grams of hash with gumby method. They thing is i have no bud! And no $$ only hash till my buds are cured i would like to trade for bud or store credit or even a discount on some meds. Would i get laughed at? Or lucky? I have no clue how to approach besides ordering some cheap meds than throw them the deal buds for hash. Heck im so desperate ill even trade for some 5$ house joints just to get by.


Well-Known Member
if you were desperate you would have already asked, no?

you should feel comfortable at your dispensary, and feel as though the staff is knowledgeable in all areas of the field.
If you don't feel that way about your current haunt, then you need to relocate.
just ask them.

worst case is you have 30g of divine treasure....that you can't use?
that's the bit i got lost at really


Well-Known Member
The thing is they dont bouble when lite, they are the type you sprinkle on weed. Hard dry and powdery it sucks when you have no bud and seems to be a waste to just pack a bowlful and toke becuase it burn fast. I was thinking of doing 5 grams for a cheap 8th and trade the rest if they like it for some decent indicas.


Well-Known Member
oh...then you just need a thick glass one guy calls em "tasters"
it's like $6...if you got a decent place they will load it too...or at least offer for a fee...

they are perfect.


Well-Known Member
Were you get that from? Tobacco shops? I wonder if i bought a pookie that glass thing tweakers buy to do drugs would that work for hash?


Active Member
One last question how do you make the hash that boubles? I seen bouble hash on youtube and why can ever get mine to bouble?
ice, water, bubble bags... google "bubble hash" or check out the concentrates thread, or "subcool's hash method" on subs' growing organically subsection here... trust me, the man speaks the truth...


Well-Known Member
It's sad I lived in Boulder when I was a kid and I remember it being a great place now it's filled with a bunch of rich hipster tools. Most of these guys want more regulation of MMJ and don't consider it extortion when license fees can exceed $10k.