trade names


Active Member
do you have a trade name that you introdece youself as? like your grower name.

im known as O.D. ive heard some pretty cool names. theres a few i dont understand, like "subcool" (not hating, hes got some dank shit) i just dont get his name.

but if anyones got any goodones, tell us. and if you want, tell the story on how you came to be known bty your name. if you dobt feel like sharing your full name, thats cool to. i only posted my initials. its all up to you.

no hate, lets just have a normal thread


Well-Known Member
This is the only place I've socialized with other growers who don't know my real name... got a couple "irl" friends who know what I do, but there's no point in an alias as they've known me since long before I started this. So, yeah, I guess my trade name is AltarNation. Hi.


Well-Known Member
I'm a one man syndicate with a one person supply chain. I go by whatever the wife calls me, most of the time it's not jerk.


Sector 5 Moderator
Some call me the space cowboy, yeah. Some call me the gangster of love. Some people call me Maurice, cause' I speak of the pompous of love.


Well-Known Member
Some call me the space cowboy, yeah. Some call me the gangster of love. Some people call me Maurice, cause' I speak of the pompous of love.
People talkin bout me baby, say I'm doing you wrong doing you wrong,well don't you worry baby, dont worry, cause I'm right here, right here, right here, right here at home....


Active Member
bucky? fuck em, suck these nuts, bitch. ignored yesterday. now i kbow theres been a looser on my thred. i just dont need ta read what that cocksucker said. thanks to sunni for explaining ignore.

i dont how many others hates that freak, but i can imagine it would be 99% of users on this site.

question: whats a troll?

kites answer: see unclebuck

... if that dosent say it all


Well-Known Member
bucky? fuck em, suck these nuts, bitch. ignored yesterday. now i kbow theres been a looser on my thred. i just dont need ta read what that cocksucker said. thanks to sunni for explaining ignore.

i dont how many others hates that freak, but i can imagine it would be 99% of users on this site.

question: whats a troll?

kites answer: see unclebuck

... if that dosent say it all

Kite High

Well-Known Member
bucky? fuck em, suck these nuts, bitch. ignored yesterday. now i kbow theres been a looser on my thred. i just dont need ta read what that cocksucker said. thanks to sunni for explaining ignore.

i dont how many others hates that freak, but i can imagine it would be 99% of users on this site.

question: whats a troll?

kites answer: see unclebuck

... if that dosent say it all
Well to be straight up as usual I like UB is one of the best at this....get rid of those buttons dude cause he is one of the masters at pushing them

And unlike most of the political trolls here...he can grow the fuck outta some weed...knows his shit


Active Member
i just luagh now aymt em. i got his game, so i just ignored em. i did want to let him know tho, i just ignore his shit now.

after a couple mods explained to me about how certain users use this site, i realized to get mad at em just makes him happy. that said, the fact that there is ahuman who does what bucky does with his day is sad. i really feel sorry for someone sho gets thier kicks by bothering others.


Well-Known Member
i just luagh now aymt em. i got his game, so i just ignored em. i did want to let him know tho, i just ignore his shit now.

after a couple mods explained to me about how certain users use this site, i realized to get mad at em just makes him happy. that said, the fact that there is ahuman who does what bucky does with his day is sad. i really feel sorry for someone sho gets thier kicks by bothering others.
to be fair, i only relish in making some people angry. bigots, women beaters, "weed barons" that have raccoons in their grow rooms, etc.

angry southern white males tend to make themselves perfect targets, i don't really hate southerners as much as it would appear.


Well-Known Member
i dont how many others hates that freak, but i can imagine it would be 99% of users on this site.
At first I felt bad for the people he targeted... but the longer I stay, the more he grows on me. I would say he chooses targets pretty well. There is an art to trolling, whether or not you want to see that. I don't really agree with 'trolling for the sake of trolling,' but trolling to make a point can be pretty effective at times. And I can't really say I feel bad when he comes back to beat unmercifully upon those who bother to tangle back. Actually, it's pretty damn funny.

Yep. Trolls are pretty funny, when they're good at what they do. That's part of life.

Think of him as a resident stand-up comedian... and you will find that words are just words. No harm, no foul. Everyone goes on with their day.

Taking one's self too seriously is literally the only way a troll can bother you. A troll is just a person that acts as a mirror to show a person how seriously one take's one's self. It is then up to the witness to decide whether or not they are being true to themselves in the level of seriousness they've chosen to apply.

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
Some call me the space cowboy, yeah. Some call me the gangster of love. Some people call me Maurice, cause' I speak of the pompous of love.
I want to go to thier concert somewhere this summer.....they already started thier tour. The good ol days....:-)

Bear Country

Well-Known Member
do you have a trade name that you introdece youself as? like your grower name.

im known as O.D. ive heard some pretty cool names. theres a few i dont understand, like "subcool" (not hating, hes got some dank shit) i just dont get his name.

but if anyones got any goodones, tell us. and if you want, tell the story on how you came to be known bty your name. if you dobt feel like sharing your full name, thats cool to. i only posted my initials. its all up to you.

no hate, lets just have a normal thread
I guess it would not surprise anyone what they call me.......thats


Active Member
I guess it would not surprise anyone what they call me.......thats
i didnt want to use my name online at first, i didnt know if i was going to stick around. but i like this site. plus there ms no harm in talking about buisness alias.

i should have figured most would have used thier most common alias on the tread.

and others probably dont want to say. for me tho, only 2 people could actually tell you who i am. and ones got dementia.
im not to worried about using my proffesional name.