topsy turby


Well-Known Member
it sucks trust me dude. My aunt has it for her tomatoes... Total blow. The only thing I could think of differently would be to lay the lights on there hoods on the floor? This would seem like a simlpe fix for me? Likewise, you would have to be able to adjust all the plants hiegth (since the would be hanging upside down, lights on the floor) thus being a engineering challenge (only if were talking about approx 10 plants or more). I could imagine you make some sort of box shape (like a large tic tac toe looking thing) out of 2"x4x8' but I would be too afraid of that and im to lazy to make it quite frankly. I dont know, my father just came down and started ranting how he smelt weed smoke in the basement hahaha, he cracks me the hell up, now hes stomping all around... this is getting annyoning when im this high and i have a killer headache from this dude stoming now! anyways the 2x4 pot holding right would have to be extreamly stong, require a fairly intricut pulls system to hoise (unless you wanted to go high tech and use ATV winches) to lift. another thing to think about is that fact that you would be watering the plants over your lights if you think about it. not con viably could you due to the fact that your lights would explode if a drop of water landed on them (being that the lights are upside down on the floor like they would have to be). I guess you could make some water proof box out of plexi glass that your lights would sit in below the plants (sorta like a sub floor) This would be difficult to do as well!!! All this wasted time and energy this seems useless to me.... Doable if done right... But useless

In my observations i descovered the plants simlpy dying from lack of light.

Thank you


Well-Known Member
looking at the pics in the link, there are several, it appears it would work. keeping the lights above it. the plant branches out and grows up and around the pot.