Topping V.S Bending (LST)


Well-Known Member
I have also tryed both methods and tieing (lst) is better by miles you can tie and train your plant how to grow with multi cholas the longer the veg the more branches can be trained into cholas

Topping is ok with some plants but not all plants take kindly to topping ,ive also found that when topped the new lower cholas never have the same impact and the original topped chola, plus it also takes a few days to a week for recovery
I found the yields to topping and not topping similar

Its what ever works best for yourself and lst is by far best for me.


Well-Known Member
Okay, so i'm trying a few plants with LST and a few with topping... and just so I don't fuck up my plants, can someone tell me how long I should leave my plant tied for?
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Well-Known Member
Okay, so i'm trying a few plants with LST and a few with topping... and just so I don't fuck up my plants, can someone tell me how long I should leave my plant bent for?

Personaly i wait untill the new growth reaches the same high as the top ive tied down untill every thing on the plant is cholas if your trip the bottem 3rd of the plant along the way making the light focus all it energy on the top of the plants


Well-Known Member
now? lol it doesnt really matter far as i know. the sooner the better i'd say... but just don't bend the plant so much it snaps


Active Member
definitely lst ive tried both on this plant and the sections i topped grew a little while all the branches are about the same height now from the lst theyre all shooting up like they think theyre the cola

captain canabiss

Active Member
The toppin forces the branches to grow out faster, you bend down and out to let more sun into the plant and create more grow space,

I strip the leaves except a couple at the top , top the fuck out of 'em, bend them at the same elevation working my around the plant, I first top at the third node then top every third node on every branch, the reason i strip leaves is because buds come from branches not leaves, if you follow a cycle of stripping leaves, topping and bending approx every two weeks and feeding heavy when you strip leaves the branch growth is insane.
So dont let anybody tell ya , to keep all your leaves cuz it is bs and they just dont know there are other better methods then they use.

captain canabiss

Active Member
squeezing the branch between your thumb and fore finger till it gets soft then it will move real nice for you.I always carry some bandaids just in case . NO bs you can splint your branch with a twig and bandaids if U have to.Eventually big knots form around the bend area from bending and bending and bending.....

captain canabiss

Active Member
i do the same thing by clearing the bottom branches . and i tie down the lower first bent branches and keep tying down when needed,by same elevation i mean at each growth increment, there are different elevations to bend as the plant grows.sorry if i sounded confusing cuz I should be moving into my new place and not sitting here typing


Active Member
yeahso i croped my plants once just to get the two heads goin on it and to make a little bushyier. we have them outdoors in a byunch of viens when they get bigger well just lay them down and tei an string to bend it over so thats th e ebst mehod right there i think


Well-Known Member
My plant is about 2ft tall and has a pretty thick stem. I'm most interested in the bending technique, but I don't see how I could bend it so much to receive more light than it already does(?), or how I could do this without breaking the stem...
Do you bend towards the direction of the rising sun or away from it?
Do you tighten your lines every couple of days to bend it more?
She's just reached a pre-flowering point; is it too late?
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Well-Known Member
i would start early on in veg, begin while it is easy to bend and use a stick with hook to hold down branches which exposes the smaller buds and makes them grow bigger,also if your plant gets tall you will need more lighting for the lower part. i think.


Active Member
im LSTing my plant, its fun to see how it does and grows like a monster bush ... never tried topping and don't plan too...


Active Member
Will using the LST technique slow down the growth of the plant, or delay the harvest date?


Active Member
lst makes your plants grow faster, they all think they are the top cola and get the growth hormones from the plant..instead of one big top bud nd little side buds you get all good size buds with the same potency