Topping Mature Ladies (Alternating Nodes)


Active Member
Man...I've have searched high and low (pun intended:mrgreen:) for info on this subject....sure plenty of topping info out there...but not about topping when your lady already mature....So I topped on of my plants a few weeks back...from what I have learned, when you top a non-alternating node plant, two shoots grow from where u topped. Well what appears to be happening here is the branch below the cut and the one below that(which is on the other side) are getting the growth hormone and pointing more upwards now. Does this sound correct? Main stem was the topping point BTW......any help would be greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
if you are gonna top it then vegatate it for long enough to reap the bennies its fine. but the reason to top is so instead of 1 main stem you have 2 or 3 or how ever many times you top have to give it time to grow from where the plant was topped. it doesnt matter when it was topped as long as you topp it in veggatative growth.


Well-Known Member
i really dont think theres any point to topping a flowering plant if thats what yoiu meant by mature....did you mean large plant or budded plant?


Active Member
i really dont think theres any point to topping a flowering plant if thats what yoiu meant by mature....did you mean large plant or budded plant?
No I meant mature, as in sexually mature...not flowering. Clones were takin' from mature mother. So what you're saying is that eventually there will be new growth from where I cut?? So far it just seem to be the two branches below are assuming the role. And I def agree with you about topping flowering plants....not much point unless you have to to reduce height.


Active Member
I topped my clones at 12 " tall and they had alternating nodes, i had the same problem searched everywhere for this infomation and couldnt find a thing. The 2 branches you are talking about will grow into the 2 main stems, this is what happened to mine and there looking awsome mate. good luck happy growing.
what kinda probs would happen if you top during harvest? i cant seem to get scissors in there to cut where the buds are, so i was thinking of topping it. all the main branch is full and only have one stem. i havent harvested yet, but thats what i planned to do when i did, am i going about this wrong?


Well-Known Member
what kinda probs would happen if you top during harvest? i cant seem to get scissors in there to cut where the buds are, so i was thinking of topping it. all the main branch is full and only have one stem. i havent harvested yet, but thats what i planned to do when i did, am i going about this wrong?
LOL what?!?!?!?!?!?!
Topping during harvest? That doesn't make sense dude, you top to encourage secondary branching during veg
Please try to explain what you are trying to say because it isn't clicking for me


Active Member
I think at that stage what you are refering to as"topping" would be just a part of harvesting your lady.


Active Member
I topped my clones at 12 " tall and they had alternating nodes, i had the same problem searched everywhere for this infomation and couldnt find a thing. The 2 branches you are talking about will grow into the 2 main stems, this is what happened to mine and there looking awsome mate. good luck happy growing.
Thanks bro. Thats what I was hoping to have confirmed. I feel a lot better!!:blsmoke:


Active Member
Yeah if you want more info check out uncleben's topping technique
i think it is in advanced mj cultivation


Active Member
No problem mate mine are flying at 30" 2nd week into flower with 5 main colas. good luck
Wow blowseed! 5 colas....thats a bit o' alright if ya ask me! How'd you manage that? Did you top again? Or just multiple sites? Let me know bro....seems like our situations are similar....except your several weeks ahead of many ladies you rollin' with? I just have two until i take cuttings....


Well-Known Member
top during harvest lol yeah we all do only the plant has 200 nodes and we top at the they all get toppd in the end