Topping has reviealed Sex?

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member

I toped my plants about 8 days ago.
I topped just after the 3rd and 4th set of real leaves.

A couple of the plants topped appiear to have shown Sex at the piont where the cut was made.
On two of my 9 plants I can see a wispy white hair and on anouther two I can see small Ball Sacs.

Is this normal when Topping?
Should I take this as a sign of plant sex or leave it a little longer?

Sorry No photos today. i should have my Camara back tomorrow and I will post pics If anyone want s ot see.


Well-Known Member
i guess it would show where ever you cut because when you take something away from a plant it spreads its energy elsewhere threw out the plant(a good rule of thumb) therefore topping it only 4 nodes high forced it to show sex but only at the point where you had it cut........i could be wrong but this is the most plausible explination that i could think of......i usually top my plants at 15 or 17 nodes high, 10 days into flowering so i wouldnt be to experienced with this sort of thing.

the males look like tiny lil pointed pumkins on a stick on the main stalk

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member

Def, have two males, and mybe two femails. I gess I will take the males out, Shame though. The only one I sucsefully Managed to FIM was a Male. :(

I will only be growing say 3 plants under a 400 WATT HPS,So I am trying to get them to fill the space under the light. To get the Maximum yeaild. I'm also Looking for a good mother plant. So which ever does best will be cleoned and kept.


Well-Known Member
3 plants will be no problem what so ever under a 400 watter if you flower under 2 foot(lol this was my mistake)thats what im using now but i have a 3'2" monster and a 2 foot orange bud and thats all im gonna fit in there....even havin a lil trouble with lighting the whole 3 footer cause its about 3 foot across also... i had to make her ass skinnier by tying shit closer together. i have seen that 400 watts are best optimized in 2'x2' foot spaces 12 inches above canopy for best potential yeilds, so that should help you figure it out.

good luck..... hope this helps

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member

Ye I have never grown from seed before. I currently have 8 AK47 clones in DWC. There growing real nice, Ready for harvest in just 3 days. can't wate.

I'm really injoying the seed grow though, the plants feel way more like my own plants. and the fact that I only have a few means I get to mess about with training and stuff.

There under a (Real) 200W CFL at the moment, once I harvest I will place theminto the big room.

Thanks for the addvice.