

Active Member
i am going to try and top my plants for the first time. i have never done this and have read a ass-load of postings on how to but...does anyone out there have any pics of where to cut, please HELP i need pics!!!


Active Member
Have you checked out the FIM? I don't know if its true but even if it doesn't work you've still topped it. Instead of cutting right at the noted, Cut about a quarter inch above it. The new stalk can produce up to 8 new tops from a single cut. Its an interesting technique but I'm not sure how viable it is as I don't know anyone who has done it.


Active Member
All you have to do to top is use a CLEAN, alcohol sterile razor or sharp pair of scissors and cut the top off right at the node (area where the last two branches jetted from the stalk) in case ppl didn't know what a node is. The FIM says to leave about a quarter inch to a half inch but once again I'm not to familiar with that one.


Well-Known Member
Topping is nothing special. Just do it. Cut right above where new branches are coming out.

Now What I would suggest, is to try to clone what you cut off. Double rewards.