Too Rolling Stoned Coffee Shop


Well-Known Member
Trying out a new smoke black diamond kush - I have to say it ain't too shabby ;)

Devon Allman's new cd is fabulous, been digging in the dirt and jamming this....



Well-Known Member
Happy FUNKALICIOUS FRIDAY! Giant cup of fresh ground vanilla coffee, volcano bags of black diamond kush and in the mood to hear some funk! Get your groove on *wiggle wiggle*



Well-Known Member
It's National Coffee Day fellow stoners! Having a giant cup of hazelnut cream and BD Kush in the PAX.

Hope you all had a great weekend!!

Spent all day yesterday cleaning up outside, putting away flower pots, cleaning off the patio, deck, driveway and starting to do the fall over haul getting organized.
The weather has been perfection, cool and breezy 75-80 degree days makes outdoor chores far more enjoyable. Busted out the fall decorations with wreaths and stuff getting all festive around here....

Happy Fall Yall!
