Too much Light? Too much Heat? Advice Please.


Recently purchased a Hydro Setup (GT205) which came with the following :

1 x 250w Son T Plus bulb,
1 x 250w Powerplant ballast
1 x Euro reflector
1 x 250 watt Metal Halide bulb for vegitive stage of growth.

The space i'm working in is only 26" (height) x 30" (Width) x 17" (Depth) the problem i seem to be having is it's too HOT for the new seeds that have just started sprouting but i dont have anything else at the moment.. I do have 1 6" fan blowing into the room but doesn't seem to help much.

I was looking at buying a 70 watt buld to fit the light kit that came with it, would that be more suitable for them at their beginning stage? Also is a 250w light that i have too big + too hot for my growing size? If i'm honest it does take up alot of room and was thinking about selling it and buying something smaller, just really not sure which way to go... I've pretty much given up with these seeds this time round, and plan on buying some more auto's shortly to replace them.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
hey,,the room you have that in is way to small for such a big light. you have 13260 squared inches, which isnt much for such a big bulb. For 250w you could have a single cfl, and with such a small space the plants wont be too big so distance to light wont be massive. also just having a fan blowing in the space wouldnt be enough,,you need an exhaust vent,, inline fan or least..with passive intake, to suck that hot air outta there, I take it the ballest isnt in the room,,if so make sure its not...

hope that helps.//


Hi Bunnyface, thank you for your reply i repped you for it.

Also, the ballast is outside of the room. I figured it shouldn't be in the same room, would you be able to link me to one of the lights you think i could & should be using please i'm really new to this and struggling to find ideal equipment.


Well-Known Member
ah,,okay,,well if I could actually see the space it would be a massive help..

You right about the ballest being outside the room,,well there a few ways to go with what you have. If you wanted I would find a space to fit that 250watter but if your looking for ideas for that wee room then Id say a big cfl,,like plug and grow,,envirolite,,they do bigg 250w cfl's,however for the complete grow you have to get two so it costs,,one in 2700k and one in 6500k,one for veg one for flower.

so if your space is 26'' tall I would use the roof of the space as a reflector to save on space, but then you cant move the light so maybe not. I wouldnt spend alot more cash when you have a great bulb for flowering,,I use a 600w in a 2m tall grow tent,(its a son t bulb) and find it hard to cool that!! so I can see your bind.

O and dont plug another bulb into that 250w ballest!!!! unless its a dial in or digital ballest the startup amps and volts will blow out the buld,,you would have to change the ballest to.
yeah so maybe another space to flower in and then you could use that space to veg and clone in,,maybe,..if you have the enthuasim..

anyhow,,I try find you some heat thread,,quick fixes are exhast vent,,with inline fan,with passive intake. never try to push air into a room unless you a good vent taken air out. It just dont work,,ha,

yeah so that son t bulb if its like mine is great for flowering,,it has a orange glow. ,,but not too good for veg and seedling. you need white/blue light veg and seed and clones ,,also they dont need the 10,000 lumens per plant that only in flower they need that much so you can get away with veg/seed/clone with alot less a replacement bulb maybe needed,,it has to be blue/white side for veg.

anyhow I try keep you informed and Im going to look for some threads and sites for you....
take it easy.

Im not sure how much they are but quite abit I would think are air cooled hoods but as I say they are quite abity.


If anybody else has any tips or knows what kind of light and can show me a example so i can pick one up locally that'd be ideal.


Well-Known Member