Too late to start a autoflower grow outside???

Is it to late to start a new outside grow. I have some dutch passion autofrisian dew seeds. I was told 10 weeks from seed to flower does that sound too fast or is that true. Im growing them in a open area that is also secluded. It has complete open sunlight but only straight up. The area is circular and around 40ft of open canopy to allow sunlight. And also a Stream right next to it for water. Im growing in containers not straight to the ground. With that said does it seem like 10 weeks is a good time. What are recommended watering times and should I add anything to the soil in the pot. Im using soil from a garden center that says * Home Grown Premium Soil* *Organic* *Bat Guano* * Great for organic Medicine Gardens* *POTtingSOIL* * Pro Biotic Insid* Im going to attempt a pic but I wrote it out just in case. Should I get perlite and peat moss and do a 1:1:1. One cup soil, one cup peat moss, one cup perlite, and do that until the pots full? That strain is advertised to be one of the stronger and more suited to grow in rough environments. Any ideas or suggestions will be gratefully appreciated. Anyone who has grown this any comments on your own grow will also help. Thanks a lot guys.