Tokins 250w Organic Hazeaganda! ...Oh Plus Airpots!


Active Member

Here is my new (First real) grow using the magnificant 250w HPS in the ever spacious grow tent :hump: Feel free to post and fire away with suggestions/questions, the more the merrier!

The purpose of this grow is to hopefully provide myslef and others with some info to better the marijuana community spreading love peace and hapiness throughout the world... oh and grow some killer buds!

Ok so here goes...

Started these babys off already.. seen here at 4 days. Strains were Chiesel, Utopia Haze, G13 Haze and Amnesia lemon. :shock:

Gonna be useing these airpots which are meant to be awesome for improving and air trimming root mass.

Feeding starts next week when these lovely ladies will be transplanted to their final destination and fed with a combo of biobizz nutes... Grow, Bloom and Topmax

Soilless mix consists of: Canna Coco - 70%
EWC - 20%, and around 10% perlite for drainage

Started off with 24/0 lighting, now at 4 days switched them to 18/6.

Unfortunatly the Utopia never made it through the germination so theres another on its way in the mail. :-)

This is my first journal so please guys i could really do with all your help...

I know my seedlings are currently a little streched, im at a loss as the hood is up real close. could thise be an issue with the strain? or is 2 inches normal at this stage? Lost of pictures to come

Tune in and switch on guys, this will be a bumpy ride! :-)

Here are some pics to wet your appetite!




Active Member
Thanks diesel! Hopefully there will be some fat buds coming up!

Just noticed a bit of yellowing on the leaf tips of one of the seedlings. I had an idea this may be caused by lack of humidity. Was around the 30% mark. Threw a couple of wet towels in there and its gone up to 50 - 55%. Does anyone know if this is correct? Is it a humidity problem?


Active Member
Day 5

Looks like theres some root growth coming from the bottom of the pots... could be time to transplant very soon. Is this ok if left for one more day?... I can just see the roots popping out from the bottom, just dont want them getting rootbound. Sorry for the not so great pics, i dont think my camera does macro.



Active Member
G13 Haze Day 6.jpgTemps.jpgLadies.jpgDay 6.jpg

Ok repotted today, as you can see the ladies are in their new airpot homes!

Also gave them a good watering (around a liter) with some bio grow at 1/3 strength.

Ive got to say i thought they would be bigger by this stage. Does anyone think This may be due to the lack of humidity in the tent for the first two days? Has anyone had slow growth due to poor humidity in seedling stage? I doubt that this is a lack of light as the hood has been close to the seedlings the whole time. Could humidity also be causing streching?

I would appreciate any help. :cry:



Well-Known Member
Not so much humidity. A lot is growing right now...under the soil, needs a good base to be able to support itself. ;-) How far is the light from your plants?


Active Member
Thanks for the speedy reply Mac!

Ive currently got the light at 25- 30 cm from the tops. Otherwise the temps were getting a bit uncomfortable for the babies if any closer. So you think these are about right for six days from breaking soil? Not sure if its at where it should be.


Active Member
Thanks for helping out! +Rep for you my friend!

Oh and i love your grow man, those plants look tight and also very healthy.


Active Member
Keep with the updates man:)
Will do FG, just got to wait til tomorrow to post pics again, dont want to interrupt sleep patterns etc :-) oh and ive noticed there seems to be a real lack of smileys on this forum... anyway im off on a tangent ha ha..

The ladies are looking great now. not so much earlier today, i think this was through the stress of transplanting them to airpots. Going to be interesting next week though. Im expecting them to produce some major foliage!

Really excited about the combo of coco and airpots. Think this is a fantastic environment for them to pud down some good root systems and healthy roots are definatly where its at!

It will also be interesting to see whether the biobizz nutes can be used in this coco grow as ive heard contradicting stories on several forums.

Keep tuned in...


Active Member
Well Day 8 actually....

Having fed these babies when repotting them they are still wet from two days ago indicating they will go to three days with no problems. Just trying to judge how much to water with this soilless mix/coco. :?

Well out of all the ladies ive got to say the G13 is looking very healthy. Im impressed with the growth even since transplanting, but i guess it will start to really kick in next week.

I wanted to ask if anyone has any experience using humidity producing machines? Do these work well for grows and if so which is a good make to buy?

I am currently using the wet towel method wetting them twice daily. It gets the RH up to around 50-55%. Is there any point to go any higher than this or am i just wasting money on a humidifier?

Im fairly happy with the grow so far, still early days i know but hopefull over the next few days things will really start to take off. :hump:

Ive taken a few pics of the gurls for you to have a scan over

Let me know what you think! Happy smoking! :joint:


The girls Day 8.jpgGod Bless Airpots!.jpgG13 Day 8 (2).jpgAmnesia Day 8.jpgG13 Leading the Pack.jpgChiesel Day 8 (2).jpg


Active Member
Just wondered as this is a 100% Organic grow should this belong in the Organics section? Mods what do you say?


Active Member
Day 12


Ok as you can see from the photos ive run into a few minor problems. All pants seem to be yellowing slightly on the leaves and the chiesel in particular has lower leaves which are curling up. I thought that this may be due to N deficiancy?

G13 day 12.jpgG13 Haze Day 12.jpgG13 Day 12 side.jpgAmnesia Day 12.jpgG13 Day 12 (2).jpgChiesel from above day 12.jpg
Amnesia day 12 (2).jpg

The other plants really dont look too bad but as you can see from this photo the bottom leaves on chiesel are really curling up like a canoe
Chiesel leaf curl (2).jpgChiesel Leaf Curl day 12.jpg

If this is a N deficiancy then i suppose i will have to up their nutes. I last fed them at 5ml biogrow/3l water so just over 1ml/L. Could I now up this as it seems the plants could do with the extra N?

Im watering tonight so I could really do with the extra help before i feed these babies. I thought also that high temps could have been an issue as i caught them once at 30c in the tent (This was on an extremely hot day outside).

Could it be the grow medium which is causing N deficiancies? ive never seen plants yellowing like this as seedlings. I would appreciate any help :shock:

Also is the growth where it should be at? I was really expecting more @12 days?
Hey what's up tokin! finally i found someone else with a 250 watt hps! I'm not sure about why your plants are looking a little pale but i always make sure i clear the old nutrients in the soil before adding nutes to prevent lock out by using riddlemes make it rain technique which can be found here ( Look for the post named making it rain. I'm only sharing because it has really helped my plants so i hope you enjoy it. As for the humidifier i don't think you need it unless your humidity is around 30-40%. I bought one but now i'm looking for a dehumidifier to get my humidity down to around 40% during flower so i don't think it's needed but its all on you. I'm subd by the way. Hopefully you can check out my grow in my sig also! Oh yea, do you have a fan for air movement in the box? Wind blowing on the plant will help strengthen your stem.


Well-Known Member
Are you using pH-ed water? Go easy on the nutrients to start to, remember less is always more. So start small, like 1/4 strength if that.

Growth is right on time, you have to remember not only is your foilage growing and what not, but your roots as well. It needs a good base to be able to support itself :-)


Active Member
Welcome bay! I will be sure to check out your journal and poach some hints and tips, yeah the 250w seems about right for my needs. I think a 400 would be optimum in the space i have but its quite difficult to keep temps down as it is and lights are expensive! Glad your subbed.

Thanks again mac!
I think youre right that they may take their time putting down roots etc, but tbh im more concerned with the yellowing. Ive been using phd water at around the 5.9 mark. Also been using an EC meter and upon testing last night before feeding it read 1.6. Although this may be considered a bit strong i was more concerned with under feeding as they look to be showing deficiancy. I think this may also be due to a calcium deficiancy and have ordered some additive from advanced nutrients to rectify this problem (Sensical MG mix). Also have taken the plunge and gone for some of this organic fulvic acid:

Hopefully this will aid nutrient uptake and help the organic feeding in the inert coco. Ive goot a gut feeling that the plant is not uptaking nutrients as it should be. Hope im on the right tracks here. I know this may seem a little late to be thinking about this stuff, but id rather be doing it now than one week from flowering with serious problems and scraggy buds :-)

Has anyone used these products before that can vouch for their effectiveness?


Active Member
Ok heres the ladies at two weeks.... just repotted the Utopia haze this morning after the problems with germinating last week. Shes currently a week behind the others but should make up for lost time soon.

G13 2 week.jpgUtopia haze replanted.jpgG13.jpgG13 looking slightly healthier.jpgChiesel 2 week.jpgBaby Utopia.jpg2 Weeks in.jpgChiesel still curling.jpg2 Week Amnesia.jpgAmnesia 2 week.jpg

Growth has come on in the last week a lot, the g13 seems to be growing very quickly at the moment. Since increasing there nutes to 1.6EC They have all showed a much healthier colour but im still considering whether to use some calmag or even epsom salts to make sure they dont end up calcium/magnesium deficiant. Was thinking of around 1/2 tsp in 4 liters should do the trick with their next feeding. I know the coco is inert and currently with my tap water only at 0.1 EC im just worried they will start to become deficiant (if they havnt already). Maybe this is just my newb head thinking too much! ha ha :-) anyway...

I had ordered the sensical over the internet but later learned that this is not organic and in an attempt to keep it organic may go with the epsom instead. What are your thoughts on this? Any helpful hints or tips?


Active Member
Hello all...

well ive run into a few problems to put it lightly :-( as you can see from the pics the g13 is doing well and actually appears healthy. The other ladies are not doing good really. You can see that the Utopia haze is suffering quite badly from some form of leaf curling on the edges

24 (4).jpg

Since last posting ive included some of the sensi cal into their diets and this has improved their colour a bit, they appear much greener, but the growth is very slow on two of the plants

24 (1).jpg

As mentioned though the g13 appears to be doing much better, I really cant believe the rate that she is growing compared to the others, its like shes on steroids!
24 (3).jpg24 (2).jpg

I ran to waste today for the first time (having benn previously treating this as a soil grow, I know im a dumbass!) And unfortunatly both the PH and the EC on the run off seem on the high side Ph is ranging between 8.1 - 8.2 and EC at 2.1 - 3.2

Is this whats affecting this grow so badly? I could really do with someones help right now as this is my first coco grow and im worried i dont have the experience to deal with this.

I would really appreciate all the help I could get

Thanks guys