Today's race


Lets start with how you comparison to the USS Liberty does not hold true to the Boston Marathon. The USS Liberty was A) A Military Warship B) In a hotbed area at a time when war was nearly inevitable between Egypt and Israel A attack on a military warship is a obvious declaration of war and targets the military. Acts of terror are acts used to incite chaos and fear on and among the public. If you believe the USS Liberty was a false flag then you realize there was an objective to the attack so whats the objective if the Boston marathon is a false flag? Mass fear from a IED is not the kind of thing that scares the public. Its not like the morning of 9/11 again where everyone was in awe. People are used to it and while they should be hurt and affected as they are they know its nothing to fear seriously. Back to my point of if the United States government was so crafty at hiding an attack on Pearl Harbor, the twin towers or even the USS Liberty you have brought up why would they do it with plain site people in Boston? The twin towers is the only one that had civilians with the terrorists in the planes but they would die with there captors not being able to tell a soul what really happened. This isn't some cool action movie where the government turns on everyone... this is real life and those were shitty IEDs that would have never been used by the government (They would have better ways of going about it if they really did it). They wouldn't have found pieces of the bomb then take pictures then leak the bomb photos.

It holds true to the point you were attempting to make regarding that this wasn't a false flag attack if more people didn't die.
And my point is the USS Liberty is one single solitary example of a false flag attack that didn't have a huge head count, but was justification through the public opinion swayed from the act to lead to a much larger resolve.
The Detroit Shoe bomber is another false flag attack that happened when they were trying to pass certain laws, and had no head count, but was justification for much, much more.

I really don't need to expound any further on this matter. You seem to have a handle on the actual breakdown of reality, and what it is and isn't supposed to happen.
I'll just get out of your way because I'm just an extra in this action movie you call reality, and you're the Wizard of Oz with all your levers and ropes. I don't need to mess anything up :dunce:

I would like to order 20 packs of whatever Rare Dankness strain it is that you're puffin on!
It's a new one called 'COLLEGE EDUCATION OG'


Well-Known Member
It holds true to the point you were attempting to make regarding that this wasn't a false flag attack if more people didn't die.
And my point is the USS Liberty is one single solitary example of a false flag attack that didn't have a huge head count, but was justification through the public opinion swayed from the act to lead to a much larger resolve.
The Detroit Shoe bomber is another false flag attack that happened when they were trying to pass certain laws, and had no head count, but was justification for much, much more.

I really don't need to expound any further on this matter. You seem to have a handle on the actual breakdown of reality, and what it is and isn't supposed to happen.
I'll just get out of your way because I'm just an extra in this action movie you call reality, and you're the Wizard of Oz with all your levers and ropes. I don't need to mess anything up :dunce:

It's a new one called 'COLLEGE EDUCATION OG'

Ohh, I woulda thought it was "NLxTinfoil Hat" or "Super Paranoia Haze".


Interesting that Obama had a completely unscheduled meeting with Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal yesterday, and now Abdul Rahman Ali Alharbi, the Saudi national suspected of being involved in Monday’s bomb attack is being hastily deported.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
heck they have them identified, brothers.. so we may get the full story now when they get wht ball cap guy

If these guys are real - one of my theories may have been accurate, "it was a dorkteam that fudged".


Well-Known Member
I read on freep that they are 19 year old kids that have been here for about a year. Then they quote the uncle saying they've been here about a decade.
I feel so bad for the american kid that had his picture posted as possible suspect. Holy fuck, I'd wanna move to the west coast for sure. That would suck.


Well-Known Member
They are going door to door searching homes of Americans. Honestly I've been wondering when they would find and excuse to pull this shit! Watch, they will say they need to do it somewhere else soon. Not a good year to live in any populated area!


Well-Known Member
The thoughts are ruining my morning buzz. I need to go chill with my babies.
Maybe post for sour d and fat stomper-13 pics. That'll cheer me up.


Well-Known Member
I apologize. I've been wanting to pack the motor home and head for the Rockies all morning! Probably just pay my power bill and complain?


Well-Known Member
They have been here for 5+ years. Close enough to the domestic terrorism that I guessed earlier on at least enough for me.

I really don't need to expound any further on this matter. You seem to have a handle on the actual breakdown of reality, and what it is and isn't supposed to happen.
I'll just get out of your way because I'm just an extra in this action movie you call reality, and you're the Wizard of Oz with all your levers and ropes. I don't need to mess anything up :dunce:


tell me what legislation needed the shoe bomber event to occur to pass congress? Use specifics not fuzzy links that have no hard evidence. lol


Well-Known Member
In all my time I have never seen a city shut down and homes searched systematically with the the claim "compliance is critical" as they look for one individual. I would usually knock Bigtacofarmer, but I find myself in shock as well :(