Toastyz' Outdoor Guerrilla Grow UK

Hi guys.
Well the title says it all. I am going to attempt my first grow this year and could do with some much needed help and support along the way. I'm relatively new to growing so feel free to guide me along if i'm doing anything wrong :)

Received my Easy Ryder feminised seed this morning and I currently have it under my bed between two plates with a bit of damp tissue paper. The plan is to let the seed crack then sit it on my south facing window sill in a peat cup for a two or three weeks. I've not yet decided on the soil or nutes to use so any reccomendations would be appreciated, bear in mind i'm in the UK though.

I'll slowly introduce the plant outdoors during about the third and forth week, taking it out in the mornings and back inside during the evenings to try and harden it up. This is going to be a guerrilla grow and I've found a decent bit of woodland but I am quite worried about animals and such as I'm sure I've seen foxes in the area. Anyway, I'm going to put the bottom through a big pot and place it half in the ground with some sort of soil (again, reccomendations please) with some chicken wire wrapped round it. Just wondering while its in the veg stage how I would need to feed her?

I'll have pictures of the different stages and how things are going so no rush yet, fingers crossed I'll have a decent first crop!

-Peace out, ToastyChronz :leaf:


Active Member
good luck and may the greens guide you! keep us updated with some delicious pictures of the process :)
Good luck! Another UK outdoor grower here. This is my 5th year! Got 15 plants on the go outside, most of the are thriving. Latitude makes a big difference. Anywhere south of Manchester, and you should be good to go.
Good luck! Another UK outdoor grower here. This is my 5th year! Got 15 plants on the go outside, most of the are thriving. Latitude makes a big difference. Anywhere south of Manchester, and you should be good to go.
Hit the nail on the head there, I'm in the Manchester area. We do get some decent summer weather sometimes, so i'm just hoping to get lucky.
I've always had great success with a good multi-purpose compost with added John Innes.

As for outdoor critters once you replant into the ground, it's a risk all right! I've heard that animals are deterred by the smell/evidence of humans. Urinate near to the site, leave deposits of human hair, etc.

Best of luck. I'll be following this thread. I've always wanted to do a stealth grow directly into the ground (those yields can be incredible) but I've just never found the ideal site. Mine are all in pots, but luckily I've got a very secluded garden and no nearby neighbours!!


hi toasty im from the manchester area and wud like to know how this grow turns out, ill follow this thred and maybe ill be out in the woods next year.
i was once told to buy a hanging basket and hang the plant high in a tree and trim the tree foiliage to let the sun get to it. duno if that helps you but good luck. hope we have a gud summer :)