to wheels or not to wheels.


Well-Known Member
its simple you pull them when they show balls.... they dont start spraying pollen that quickly.
i know im not worried about that. im worries about the extra cost of nutes coco and pots id need for the project. and then pulling the males. feels like wasted material and my broke ass cant be wasting. lol.


Well-Known Member
That's the same way I feel about my pile of lumber that's going to be my greenhouse! Blew my knee out Friday and now I am on crutches waiting to get an MRI on Monday.


Well-Known Member
on a side note. i think my outdoor cheeses are flowering. that cant be right? right? i thought i had a month or so before they flipped.


Well-Known Member
That's the same way I feel about my pile of lumber that's going to be my greenhouse! Blew my knee out Friday and now I am on crutches waiting to get an MRI on Monday.
yeah it sucks. i need to take my crippled ass to home depot to get the tools i need. but i dont want to undertake a project like this without having the intake and exhaust fans to do it. i need a 10 inch inline fan to pull a shit ton of out in one minute and an 6 or 8 inch intake.



Well-Known Member
damn that sucks, might just finish and flower than! I know where I live, my plants are getting 14 hours of light. It just might flower out


Well-Known Member
so they are def flowering. the outdoor stuff at least im pretty sure of it.
Hopefully you can harvest it, if not you can have a huge ass monster when it finally re-vegs. Jeez those will have some serious side branching after a re-veg.

If anything, if its not too big maybe you can wheel it out and in so that it stays flowering.


Well-Known Member
Hopefully you can harvest it, if not you can have a huge ass monster when it finally re-vegs. Jeez those will have some serious side branching after a re-veg.

If anything, if its not too big maybe you can wheel it out and in so that it stays flowering.
they are all too big. lol. we shall see. im just going to let it do its thing.


Well-Known Member
We havent even hit our longest day of the summer yet, there is no way they should be flowering already.
thats what i thought. but i looked and they are flowering. full blown flowering. :( they never reveged either so im kinda stumped. they have been outside for a few months already. maybe its just time for them.


Well-Known Member
yeah. but i put it outside over a month and a half ago so any reveging would have hit long ago. she just never stopped growing till now but she got budskies coming in.
The days are still getting longer. If you put out in April that could be what initiated flowering? Peep this:

Hours of daylight by date and geography

Or maybe your cheese was mislabeled and you got an auto instead lol. Good luck either way, SURPRISE!


Well-Known Member
also ive decided to put three more cuts outside later today. gonna use them as a back up just incase the other 5 cheese do decide to reveg on my ass. lol. should still be interesting to say the least. pics later today of the outdoor stuff.


Well-Known Member
Here is a method I use to fix my back.

Put your back against a door jam.
Put your arms straight up then bend your arms at the elbows.
Reach back and grab the molding on each side of the jam behind your head.
Pull your head and neck against the jam tightly.
Now use your legs to push your spine up against the jam.
Start at the neck and slowly roll your spine against the jam until you reach your tailbone.
Hold it in place - exhaling deeply can help you get more pressure.
You can push really hard.
You can usually feel the offending vertebrae move back in place.
A second move that helps is to reach across to the other jam and push hard with your hands.

Do you have any oil or butter? I made some oil and it really helps with pain. I have also been applying it to some precancer/cancer on my face and it is killing it! I am not easily impressed and I think smoking is OK, but these oils and butters are amazing. I can't wait to make some edibles with some kush :)



Well-Known Member
Here is a method I use to fix my back.

Put your back against a door jam.
Put your arms straight up then bend your arms at the elbows.
Reach back and grab the molding on each side of the jam behind your head.
Pull your head and neck against the jam tightly.
Now use your legs to push your spine up against the jam.
Start at the neck and slowly roll your spine against the jam until you reach your tailbone.
Hold it in place - exhaling deeply can help you get more pressure.
You can push really hard.
You can usually feel the offending vertebrae move back in place.
A second move that helps is to reach across to the other jam and push hard with your hands.

Do you have any oil or butter? I made some oil and it really helps with pain. I have also been applying it to some precancer/cancer on my face and it is killing it! I am not easily impressed and I think smoking is OK, but these oils and butters are amazing. I can't wait to make some edibles with some kush :)

i would but my crippled ass is in a wheelchair. so the legs arent gonna work and my back has so much hardware in it from surguries that my back pain will never go away. only thing that helps is a deep tissue massage with hands. gotta be done with a strong set of hand that can feel the metal in my back and know not to press on it. plus im in a wheelchair so standing in the doorframe would be amazing to see. lmao. ;)


Well-Known Member
Sorry about that! Should have figured it out with the name "Wheels" :P

Sounds like they had to rebuild you. What happened if you don't mind me asking.

As for alternatives - are you able to swim?

What part of SD are you in?

How many fingers am I holding up...

What is wrong with me - I will stop now.



Well-Known Member
Sorry about that! Should have figured it out with the name "Wheels" :P

Sounds like they had to rebuild you. What happened if you don't mind me asking.

As for alternatives - are you able to swim?

What part of SD are you in?

How many fingers am I holding up...

What is wrong with me - I will stop now.

its all good. a dirtbike accident out riding at gordons wells. a guy on a quad not paying attention clipped my back tire and threw me over the bars in the woops. landed on my head and shoulder. broke my back neck and collapsed my left lung. and no no swimming for me. i sink like a rock now. lol. im just about as far south in sd as you can go. chula vista/san ysidro area. and im guessing 3 fingers. lmao.