To trim or not to trim? 5x5 tent, 1000Watt HPS


Active Member
Hey Riu,

These ladies are on the 5th day of Flower and I was curious if I should or should not trim them up a bit. Ya know to increase production where it counts? They are very bushy and have many cola sites. They were all topped and supercropped. I'm not experienced in "lollipopping" and not sure when a good time to start doing so, if at all.

Thanks for any advice. Of course I couldn't let you guys down without some pics! See below...

P.S.. Anybody familiar with using GoGNATS? I have this freaking fungus gnat problem and the little fuckers are taking bites on the lady's. It only has directions for Foliar spraying but my hydroshop said I can water the soil as well. Little hesitant until I get some feedback.



Well-Known Member
no idea about the gonats, havnt used it. i use ewc tea once or twice a grow for the bti, it works pretty good on fungus gnats. i've also used mosquito dunks (also bti). it worked fine too. for other bugs i use a pyrethrin concentrate, and neem, but the bt works great for fungus gnats.

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
Don't trim during veg. When you do trim only trim the bottom 1/3 of vegetative growth. Also cut any branches that don't reach atleast half way to the top of the canopy.


Active Member
No, don't trim anything...for most situations (almost always from what I've seen), if it didn't need wouldn't have grown it! You talking of the fan leaves?...The plant will suck the life outta those leaves as it progresses through flowering 'nd whatnot

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
Once you see buds forming then you'll want to trim anything that grows on the bottom 1/3 of the plant as none of this will mature in time or grow well enough. Give her a quick trim every two weeks or so after and it'll keep all of that wasteful growth to a minimum.