to chem or not to chem (chemical)


ive got a 8 pot wilma with a 70l tank and theres some really thirsty girls in there

so basically i changed the water saturday 70l in looked this morning (tuesday) and they have drank the lot !! so i chucked in 20l quick and now wondering do i put more chemicals in or re-shedual my water changes from every saturday to saturday to every 4 days or what ??????? any ideas ?


Well-Known Member
are you checking the ph and ppm/ec before you top off, i ask because even though they are drinking allot they may not be taking in all the nutes so that would leave you with less water at a higher concentration so you could just top off with ph'd water to level it back out. now if they are taking in allot of the nutes you are going to want to add back some more nutes as well.


Active Member
drgreen is pretty spot on...

check the ec and ph of your water when you first mix it, and when its running low...

when water is low, if its high in ec (rich in neuts) it means the plants are just using mostly water

just top up with water and this will bring down the ec so its not too rich in neuts

or if the ec is really low, the plants have sucked up all the neuts, more than the water, - and want more neuts added to bring it back in like with the plants feeding