TMB's Indoor 4'x4' Veg Tent & 7'X11' Flowering Area


Well-Known Member
Took some pictures of the girls after they were put back inside for the day. I take them outside when the weather is nice. Low 70's yesterday, today and tomorrow. The HPS lights make for tuff photography, so bare with me.



Well-Known Member
The girls were watered with my Tea and Bio Bizz Bloom nutes. They sure are changing, the leaves are turniong yellow on some plants, and others are losing them their leaves. So instead of a canopy of leaves/tops, now it's just a bunch of buds sticking up. Looks like there are fewer plants in the room now.
Today is day 42 (6 weeks) of flowering and things are looking great. Today may be the last feeding for some of the girls, I'm hoping they all get at least 1 more lite feeding before I start flushing.
The girls were watered with my Tea and Bio Bizz Bloom nutes. They sure are changing, the leaves are turniong yellow on some plants, and others are losing them their leaves. So instead of a canopy of leaves/tops, now it's just a bunch of buds sticking up. Looks like there are fewer plants in the room now.
Today is day 42 (6 weeks) of flowering and things are looking great. Today may be the last feeding for some of the girls, I'm hoping they all get at least 1 more lite feeding before I start flushing.

When yah trim, take all those sugar leafs and stick em strait into the freezer ;)


Well-Known Member
Girls were watered with straight water. They were taken outside and watered from the hose.
They have been inside the grow shed due to the bad weather. When I brought them out, one looked funny, I think the damn thing is full of seeds (I think). Did I miss a HERMI? That's the only one that looks like that. I inspected them all and that's the only one. Shit, will the others develop seeds too? I would think if the others were polluted to they would be all showing seeds. I'll keep my fingers crossed.



Well-Known Member
Well here's the story....
Looks like we had 2 hermi's in the garden, but only 1 released it's pollen. Had to have TLD come by and advise and find them. Took him awhile to spot them too. They have been taken out and put into the woods away from the others. The Hermi that released it's pollen is half full of seeds. We think that a few other girls in the garden may be lightly polluted with seeds, but the majority are not. They look good to me, but TLD says a few may have a few seeds.


Well-Known Member
Some of these girls are looking very close to being done. I will place them outside in the weed cage to finish up. The day/night time temps this week are expected to be; 55/42 Thursday, 69/46 Friday, 74/43 Saturday, and 73/44 on Sunday. By leaving them outside the last few days, with the cold nights, many of the strains should turn purple.
I will start harvesting the plants that look ready on Sunday the 25th (8th week of flowering), and keep chopping them down as needed during the week. Some may take another 7-10 days to finish, but I will chop when they are ripe, not sooner unless there's an issue with the plant/weather.


Well-Known Member
Hello all-
Very busy week last week and going to be very busy this week. This is the busiest 2 weeks of my job, and just happens to be harvest week too. The work is usually done early in the month, but this year they gave me a late date. I'll stop crying and get on with the harvest details....
7 girls are trimmed and on hangers drying.
1 Chemo Cindy
2 Shiva Skunks
4 Lemon Purps
I cloned one of the Lemon Purps that I trimmed/harvested today. If she smokes anything like she looks/smells I'll be a happy camper. Deep purple/green buds that sparkles like a jewel. She had the biggest buds of the 7 trimmed so far. I have 2 clones from her going into the outdoor garden.bongsmilie
I hope to get another 3-4 trimmed tomorrow and up on the racks. I have 24 total, 3 need another 10-14 days, the rest will be harvested by the end of the weekend. I will update with photos soon....:peace:


Well-Known Member
tell you what i think huh. those buds look fucking amazing man, you know hot to grow some good ganja boss, good job sir. very good job..


Well-Known Member
Well the trimming is 60%-70% done, 8 plants are on hangers, and 6 in jars. 3-4 to trim today and another 4 that need another week or so (Mind Bender x Afghangooey) to finish up. The Hermi I put into the woods, away from the others to finish, was trimmed last night, and only 1 fucking branch had male pollen sacks. 1 little fucking branch had the male sacks, everything else had female buds. I don't think she/it has seeds either, she/it looks great, nice purple buds.


Well-Known Member
Here are some nice photos I took of the Strawberry cough X Deep Chunk that I just finished trimming. I'm smoking a bowl of the scissor hash, x the bottom of a corner of a 1lb bag from my fall harvest (the last itty bitty,powdery stuff..yumm!), X a chunk of Mind Bender x Afghangooey. 2 hits out of my bong and this post is taking for
Off to smoke the rest of that bowl and trim another girl.



Well-Known Member
Well all the girls, except 1 that was added to the flower room 17 days later then the rest, have been harvested and trimmed. I have about 8-10 plants on hangers and the rest are in jars for the cure. I will post weights after they cure for a week. The first two are...
Chemo Cindy: 20.4g She was under sized and harvested a bit early IMO

Strawberry Cough X Deep Chunk: 29.8g, She was in the 3 gallon pot and the runt of the two I have. Her sister in the 7 gallon pot will be close to double that.

I will have more numbers tomorrow.