tips on fast drying??

well, water vaporizes at 100*C, while CBD vapes at 206*C and all of the other cannabinoids vape below 206 (i think somewhere around 210 is the flash point... maybe 215... sometimes my vape goes nuts and burns it, and it barely goes above vape temp) anyways, vaporizing it should be fine, and also, probably smoother "smoke" than if it was dry, since there's more water vapor to help keep your lungs cool.

Trippy Stix

Active Member
my question is.. why would you want the fastest drying technique when the best way to get buds to taste better and be more potent when they are given a nice slow dry and cure?


Active Member
worth a try if you want a sample asap! but no way in hell am I shooting microwaves into my pristine and delicate trichomes... seems brutal

I wonder if using a vap at a high temp will incinerate the wet bud and get ya higgghhhh... thoughts?
I vape with wet in my magic flight box. Takes a little longer, and the water vapor taste a little green, but once all the water is out you get a good taste of what your bud will taste like. Potency is probably 60-75% of cured bud.