tip on getting more bud


Active Member
im almost positive its a sativa, and my general gardening skills are not bad just new to this it is my first plant my brother in law gave it to me all root bound and have dead it was 3 feet tall and had 2 leaves lol. but just checking what are the benefits of synthetic nutes?


Well-Known Member
flowering weeks 6-8, I add Shooting Powder
to build buds on top of buds or to layer the buds
and I get a whole lot more bigger buds at
harvest. I keep using my bloom neuts and seaweed/kelp
extract,till harvest. Molasses also weeks 3-6 and then
I replace the molasses with raw honey for the last two
weeks of grow.


Well-Known Member
My biggest increase was from scrog. Obviously too late now but for next grow.
Other than yet I use basic 2-part nutes, veg and flower (Canna aqua, it has Silica in it).
Tried mollases. Made no difference but I'm in hydro so it's different.
Tried all the bloom booters etc, no difference.
Rooting gel and root riot cubes work for clones (I gone from 50% to 90% success)
Epsom salts if you get a mag deficiency.
Deficiency is the magic word.
Everyone is trying to 'pump' their plants up with these products and I simply don't think it's the way to go.
Personally, I think it's more about providing an optimal environment for growth (Light ,Co2, Humidity etc) then making sure there are no deficiencies. Keep a close eye, identify problems correctly and quickly and respond accordingly.
Using these methods I have always hit a regular 0.75 gpw but hope to up this soon by going over to vertical scrog.