Tiny microscopic white bugs


They are microscopic white bugs on the top of my Coco, which has been over watered by my wife probably for the last 5 days since I've been out of town. They plants have just sprouted. Here are some pic. They are definetly moving very slowly over the top of my soil. Any idea of what they are? 20200416_222019.jpg20200416_222019.jpg20200416_222019.jpg20200416_222004.jpg20200416_221940.jpg20200416_221926.jpg20200416_221855.jpg20200416_221718.jpg20200416_222019.jpg20200416_222004.jpg20200416_221718.jpg20200416_221855.jpg20200416_222004.jpg20200416_221940.jpg20200416_221855.jpg20200416_222019.jpg20200416_222004.jpg20200416_221940.jpg20200416_221926.jpg20200416_221855.jpg20200416_221718.jpg


Well-Known Member
Geez, kickin' the old lady right under that speeding bus...thump, thud, ump.

The bugs were in the coco to start with...water, even if it was over applied, is not the culprit. See what some of the others here have to say, but if it were me, I might just try to start over with a cleaner brand of coco. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Best hope its not micro root aphids. They are the worst thing that ever happened to growing.