Tinctures Newbie


New Member
hello first day here. I need A LOT of help. I have smoked weed a lot in my life but really DO NOT like it at all. Smoking it makes me gag and vomit. So I just didn't do it. Now I have Crohn's, Ulcerative colitis, fibromyalgia and a host of other autoimmune diseases. Forced to take too many drugs I'm turning back to natural meds.
So I made a tincture of really good bud and tequila now I did not carbonized the bud at all just ground it up and put it in what I had. Everyone here is saying Everclear is what I should be using BUT there is NO WAY I CAN get my hands on something that stron. The highest proof is 80 and that is Vodka. Any way my point is should I just dump out Shall we accept merely what is good from the [true] God and not accept also what is bad?” In all this Job did not sin with his lips.hat I have or is it goi g to work just take longer? Can anyone help me with this? I need pain relief quickly. Thank you so much!


Well-Known Member
If you can't get ever clear you might be better off cooking it into butter or oil and making some kind of edible.

I tried bud vodka before. Waste of bud & was completely unpalatable.


Well-Known Member
For example.. if you look through results youll find what yiu need ask if yiu have questiond

best bioavailability for the avg person...
oral- coconut oil
topical-unrefined sunflower oil and 5-10% ethanol or propylene glycol even dmso...
sublingual- glycerine

i always start with an extract. decarb visually over double boil, bubbles slow like popcorn when done. and simply dissolve into whatever carrier suits your need.

in general i make it to limit cbn formation and the breakdown of thc into delta 8. as well as terpene loss

if your going to try and alter cannabinoid ratios, this may not be as much of a concern. sunlight and heat will do wonders. cbd is much more stable.
but consider the pharmacological implications. whats the purpose of this? most go fpr cbd unaware of the actual properties of thc say fpr seizures cancer pain etc. and that delta 8 and cbn are very different from 9 and cbd