timing question for 1st grow + 1st clone


Active Member
As some of you may know i have 6 plants on the go, all nearing their 3rd week since germination started.

I plan on going into flowering with them pretty soon but my dilema is this, i leave in 8-9 weeks and would love to crop before then. Let us assume this is ample time for my girls to flower, I am considering taking a few cuttings from some of my stronger girls and entering those into flower immediately alongside my mature plants after rooting them.

My question is do you think this would be worthwhile in terms of potential crop size and or quality of my crop? I get the feeling if I time it correctly then it will pay off but I would love to hear from some of you more experienced growers.

Im using a 250watt hps red and 2 x 150 watt blue flourescants.
Currently got 6 girls growing, all 3 weeks old, All healthy.
8-9 weeks left before I leave.
Have the tools for cloning to hand.


Active Member

just wondering what you would do in the same situation. I will be harvesting whatever is available before i leave on the 1st april, would you continue growing the 6 as they are or would you take some clones (which i have space for) and take them straight into flower beside the existing 6?

odd question i know, just looking for some advice