Timers for CFL lights


Active Member
Hey everybody,
I'm getting set up to start my first grow indoors. I am looking at using CFL's for my veging and have read info on not using timers with CFL's unless they are made for it. I have been having a hard time finding a timer that works for CFL's. Does anyone have any input??



Well-Known Member
Uhm...all outlet timers should work...I bought several of the cheapest I could find and they work great. Just put all your CFLs on one power strip and the powerstrip into the timer.


Active Member
Thats what I figured, but the CFL companies are saying the timers may still put voltage thru when off and may cause problems with premature failure of the CFL's? Just figured I'd ask and see what everyone thought. They probably make timers too and want people to buy new and more expensive timers..
