time to re Pot my plant?


Well-Known Member
How big is the pot it's in?
Is it rootbound?
Kinda looks ok to me, but if you do repot, go with your final pot size to minimize stress throughout your grow.


Well-Known Member
U don't need to re-pot just yet. I'd wait till it's a bit bigger and stronger and can take the stress, however minimal it may be. ... But that looks to me like there's some tin foilage up in there, if so, take the foil down it's not helping


Well-Known Member
so the tin foil doesnt help at all?
Tin foil reflects more heat than anything else, and can burn. Flat white paint is suprisingly the best with like 80% reflectivity. Myself, i can't just paint my wood-paneled closet white, so i use mylar emergency blakets. They aren't the best by any means, but they're super cheap, $2 at wal-mart, and they work.


Well-Known Member
Try clean some of those wires up...thats just messy. Nicely/properly ran wires is always safer.