Time to pot my clones...The stems are long...can I bury them a little? *PICS*


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

I just checked my clones tonight that have been rooting for 3 weeks now...I had potted a few of them into 3" peat pots 1 1/2 weeks ago and now the roots are growing thru the bottoms!

This is my first cloning attempt so Im very happy about this...but now theyre ready for their final potting (for flowering) and some of them have very long stems (see pic)

My question is, can I pot them up to just below the leaves and bury the excess stem? Will roots grow on the area of stem I cover with potting mix or will it rot away and kill the plant?

I would just keep them as is, but Im dealing with a short grow cabinet and need all the room for height I can get. At the same time, I dont want my precious clones to die because I make a stupid fuck-up!

Thanks for reading and for any help you can give!


