Time to chop?

A friend of mine is a first time grower with a single VISC F.I. X Burmese Hybrid @ 9 months and has no idea (nor do I). On the main cola (there are a few due to LST) about 85% of the pistils are brown but it doesn't appear the calyxes are swollen. The plant is covered in trichs that appear a bit cloudy. Any ideas? What should I tell her?




Well-Known Member
Get a jewlers magnifier and look if trichs ars 75% amber.. Looks like it needs maybe 1 to 2 weeks longer...

But hey thats only my opinion..

Looking good bro ....


Active Member
ya realy you wana look at the trics closer to see if all the clear has atleast turned cloudy and by then you should have a good amber/cloudy ratio depending on the strain and your personal experience


Active Member
the plant looks like its be grown with blue light in flowering instead of red, hence the very leafy buds but id probly hazard a guess at anything up to 3 weeks away from harvest, really not easy to tell from those pics
ah try to flower with red spectrum lights
Fixed. I meant mix of blue/red....

Had green on my mind. :)

Well...too late to fix that now and go straight red. But definitely is leafy. :( Sucks.

Throwing it on pure red for two weeks wont help much after 9 weeks, would it?