Time and Temperature for Shatter


Active Member
Hey folks, trying to work out my technique for Shatter. I've included a picture of my last run, this is actually my second attempt at it. So I blasted fresh frozen bud into a Pyrex dish, placed the dish into a pan of hot water to boil off much of the butane. Placed the remaining oil into a vacuum chamber and purged 20 hours, 12 of the 20 hours I set the temperature at 105°F. Although I'm happy with the purity and quality of my product, it's not shatter. I believe it has to do with the time and temperature I purged at. Looking for suggestions on achieving shatter.




Well-Known Member
Shatter from fresh frozen is typically pull and snap because of the extra terpenes, et al.

I prefer to raise the temperature until it is just molten to facilitate the bubbles escaping at -29.5" Hg. Usually between 110F and 120F.