Thursday Night Chop Down!


Well-Known Member
Check you out stoney, you big pimp!
Those ho's are killin' bro!
Just when I thought I couldn't get any higher... lol
I got some nice og chem bubble I am bout to drop on here..... prolly not gonna make it much longer this is like a bat to the forhead..... already seeing stars ffs.....
damn, they are nice man, you've outdone yourself!


Well-Known Member
Check you out stoney, you big pimp!
Those ho's are killin' bro!
Just when I thought I couldn't get any higher... lol
I got some nice og chem bubble I am bout to drop on here..... prolly not gonna make it much longer this is like a bat to the forhead..... already seeing stars ffs.....
damn, they are nice man, you've outdone yourself!
Thanks bro, that means a lot man!! I truly appreciate it...... now for the fun side... pimp you say!! you know it!!!!!!!!!!!!

and these are the vintage ones to!!! the new ones are all white!!


Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
I'll have to join you in a thurs night chop this week stoney lol...time to start clearing out the big bud room, P10s will be coming down first. T's Lush is coming down now ;)

I have been trying to think of where I have seen that Blueberry of yours before....and it just came to me. It looks exactly like Chimeras Mental Floss. Where did your beans come from.

All your shots are great stoney! Nicely done!!

.....I tried for a long time last year to get these seeds but they were sold out everywhere Floss.htm


Well-Known Member
Fuckin Impressive!!
Thanks smelly!!! my jaw kinda dropped when i saw it myself!!!

I'll have to join you in a thurs night chop this week stoney lol...time to start clearing out the big bud room, P10s will be coming down first. T's Lush is coming down now ;)

I have been trying to think of where I have seen that Blueberry of yours before....and it just came to me. It looks exactly like Chimeras Mental Floss. Where did your beans come from.

All your shots are great stoney! Nicely done!!

.....I tried for a long time last year to get these seeds but they were sold out everywhere Floss.htm
SWEET!!! you have a chop to!!! and man, those P10's are my second favorite buds you grow!!! a very close second to the black rose!!!!! in fact the next new beans i start are gonna be the P10!!

and dude my blueberry is kind of a cool story.... Years ago i was in amsterdam, and i two friends came to me and said please get me seeds, one wanted blueberry. so as i was all high walking down the street i saw a small sign that said seeds. so totally blind to different breeders making the same types, i bought a pack blueberry regs.

they came from homegrown-fantaseeds. years later i started growing indoors and my friend hooked me up with a blueberry plant to return the favor!!! nd the rest is history!!! i thinks it cool because i didn't just buy them over the internet!!

here is the pamphlet i took when i was there...

likin the colours in your shots man, nice contrasts.

roll on thursday!!!
Thanks so much Don!!!! only one more day till chop down thursday!!!

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
good lord bro, unreal, i say we all just come visit you and stone down for a while, LoL. like the pimp my papers, great man!!


Well-Known Member
I have daydreamed of doing that since I was about 15 or so :D
That is cool!
Your scissors are in mortal danger man!


Well-Known Member
good lord bro, unreal, i say we all just come visit you and stone down for a while, LoL. like the pimp my papers, great man!!
hell ya bro!! come on up!!! get here before it gets to cold though!!! hhahahahah yea i found my paper collection when i was looking for an old pipe... they were fresh in my head!!

I have daydreamed of doing that since I was about 15 or so :D
That is cool!
Your scissors are in mortal danger man!
bro it's like fuckin candyland for us!!!!!! I've been there twice now.... never a disappointment!!! the first time i went i was working in Belgium. we had a weekend off coming up and the VP of the company said why don't you guys go there this weekend since it might be the only one we have off while were here. so the three of said, sweet!! we jumped in the rental car on thursday afternoon and didn't come back till monday morning!!! the president of the company i worked for(small company) calls me up while I'm driving there.... he says, hey i hear you guys are going to holand... i said yep!! he said well i heard about all the great work you guys are doing in Belgium, so make sure you use the company AMEX for everything you spend in amsterdam!!!! and he said, make sure you go to the bulldog!!! hahaha coolest fucking dude i ever worked for!!!! I played it all cool in the car and didn't say anything.... then when we got there, the first coffee shop we got to, I told them and celebrated BIG time!!!! we get to a hotel and were checking in and the guy at the desk is encouraging us to buy weed or hookers and please drink beer in our hotel!!!! CRAZY!!! dude, Ive traveled the world... not all of it but pretty damn much of it and i NEVER had a hotel beg me to party there!!!!! they the guy tells us, sorry, we sold out of your reservation so we will have to upgrade ALL three of you to our spacious suites!!! I'm like are F'in kidding me right now!!! it was one of the coolest experiences I've been on!!! boobies and buds for four days!!! the boobs were just for lookin though.... most of those hookers looked NASTY!!! the chicks on vacation all wasted in the coffee shops.... well now that was a whole other story for a whole other post!!!!!!!! hehe

cowboy, this was what we ordered from room service!!! ROOM SERVICE!!!! we needed something to get blasted on while we traveled down town to the good shops!!! one of the guys i was with is also a user here at RIU but hasn't logged on in quite some time...



Well-Known Member
I just saw an advertisement on the discovery channel and there is a new series coming on in December called "Weed Wars" what will they think of next!!! looking forward to some nice nug shots in HDTV!!!!!

we should all get together and start weed kings!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
WEED WARS!!! Well all they have to do is smoke what the war is over and it will clear everything up, or everyone will forget what the hell they are doing!!!

Thats some funny looking bud from 'Dam, but an awesome story and I am sure it was an awesome experience :D!! I had a cool boss like that once. I thought of going back to him recently, but started having body pains and didnt want to attempt something my body may no longer let me do as I once remember it, ya know!!! Lol,


Active Member
I'll have to join you in a thurs night chop this week stoney lol...time to start clearing out the big bud room, P10s will be coming down first. T's Lush is coming down now ;)

I have been trying to think of where I have seen that Blueberry of yours before....and it just came to me. It looks exactly like Chimeras Mental Floss. Where did your beans come from.

All your shots are great stoney! Nicely done!!

.....I tried for a long time last year to get these seeds but they were sold out everywhere Floss.htm

I've been looking for some deep chunk seeds..... i would really love to grow that strain!!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm down, just lmk the time and place :)
hell yea, we need to write to discovery!! i just saw the show is gonna be on thursdays.... don't they know we chop down that night?!?!?!?! hahaha

WEED WARS!!! Well all they have to do is smoke what the war is over and it will clear everything up, or everyone will forget what the hell they are doing!!!

Thats some funny looking bud from 'Dam, but an awesome story and I am sure it was an awesome experience :D!! I had a cool boss like that once. I thought of going back to him recently, but started having body pains and didnt want to attempt something my body may no longer let me do as I once remember it, ya know!!! Lol,
yea man, sometimes we gotta know when to stop beating ourselves up!!! we'll enjoy the buzz that much better the sooner we do!!!! haha

and guys i just saw they're gonna have another show about makin moonshine!!! wooohoooo discovery is gettin to be the party channel!!! hahahaha


Active Member
Stoney .... bro ..... I would be giving you +10 rep right now if i could !!!!! Awesome updates man !!!!!

Loving the blueberry !!!!! Always wanted to grow it......

I wish i lived on the west im issing out on all the bbq's and smoke outs... and trim parties !!!

You have some of the most beautiful plants out there.... mad props man !

keep em growing strong and green !!!


Active Member
lololol... so am i !!!lol.

prolly no where near each other

well, I know alot of the RIU crew on the west coast is partying it up with each other alot here lately.