throw her away?

image.jpg4 weeks wensday,, new growth but almost no hieght gaining, total newb i feed her a veg nute on 1st week rhts wherethe brown came from,
the nodes are barely seperated lol

its only reggie bagseed thank god, wanted to keep her growing just see how she responds, but no way she foing to produce buds,
shud i just laugh and toss her to make room for my next set???

also so short bcus lights where almost directly on her until about 5 days ago.... stood 30 gallon tote up for new stealth grow, had in a tote sitting regular wit lights on lid......... very stupid



Active Member
What soil/nutes/light you using... they all determine how fast it grows... You DO realize you usually veg for at least 5 weeks... and "veg" doesn't even START until she has her 3rd set of true leaves!

Some are slow starters then take off at a full gallop week 4-5 of veg....

Patience young padawan learner!
You think THIS is nerve wracking? Wait till you have to wait for her to flower long enough to harvest!
yea she looks good today
all leaves but bottom are angled up towards light, the new growth is now visible two sets of currently 3 leaves... im not scrapping im let ger nature work out
hell let her grow 8-9 months
my adv biod auto mass is above ground and half sprouted (has seed half way on her)
and she only seven week plant
not to mention i have a Skunk#1 and Afghan Kish Feminised planted....
my bagseed gointo grow until she dies/ or luckly harvest.... ut was sum real good popcorn reggie,, smelt just like dro but has a lot of seeds... but was fire as fuk paid 30for a qtr, so lets hope i paid 30 fr a qtr and future oz lol

the pic diesnt do much justice...iPhones.... but personal vision the upper nodes are like angled upthe leaves kinda look like they was creased in middle healthy greentoo.. i google leaves angled up and view photos tht look jst like mine, and it states this is good sign, that she is stretching to light..
i got off the newb shit looking 6-7 times a say.. thts no help
yesterday including when iturnd lights off i only lookd 3 times, whic helps in telling difference in her growth.... im so impatient sik of paying ridiculus prices for regiie whn i have children, im nt a abuser... cannabis helps sooth my mind during day with anger and helps my ol ladys bak pain.. compared to her rotting her kidneys from codiene.
i got to be patient i cant rush mother nature... thanks for helpp fellas, my rep unlockd so REP LOVE FAM!!!!


Well-Known Member
hey SmokeOurLyfAway69, great name, nice grow so far, its always painful playing the waiting game.
Patience is a virtue. as 1 wise grower once said to me.
good luck and happy growing