Thrips 3/4 weeks before harvest!!


Active Member
HELP...I've just checked my babies and discovered a load of bugs crawling around on the leaves...There is also some leave damage... I have identified the critters as THRIPS and have read a number of solutions to get rid of them...

My plants are 3 or 4 weeks from harvest, the buds are packed out with crystals! Does anyone have any advice? What should I do to get rid of the Thrips without damaging the beautiful buds?

Please Help...


wow i feel for you man they are little buggers. The bests thing to get is neem oil got rid of them staright away. But i would do it as quick as possible as this left a horrible smell on my plants. everything else i tried just temporarily got rid of them and they came back.


Well-Known Member
Is this the bug that looks like a little crab?
I was checking my tri's harvest day I just seen
one run across the the microscope I'm smoking
the pot and checking the bags and buds for
bugs but can't find any so I'm smoking it :lol:


No they are little flys that look like nats. but you see little white worms on your leafs with snail like trails all over the leaf. they eat your leaf and RUIN YOUR PLAnt i hate them!


Well-Known Member
jesus... wish I had experience with something besides plain old gnats. put some adhesive tape traps where they like to crawl (like on the soil if it's convenient) along with other treatments. whatever you do don't medicate the buds directly


Well-Known Member
tape it off, and flood the room with CO2. i just made that up. and i thought of those mini-vacuums for PC's. suck some of them up.


Well-Known Member
Yellow sticky traps and Pyrethrin spray or bomb is pretty effective. Neither will harm your buds if used correctly.


Well-Known Member
I am battling these now, though it is not bad @ all. all 6 of my plants are in veg so it really is no biggie. I used organocide twice, in the last two weeks, very diluted mixture.. Plants have that oily residue leftover looking dark green and healthy. Next week I am going to use a heavy stream/spray of neem solution to knock off any survivors or eggs.

I saw the little snail trail looking lines and was confused.. but if you take the time to look @ your plants a few minutes, you will begin to see them. Sneaky lil bastards, though they seem easier to kill than spider mites..
I would NOT want these things running around on budding plants.. would be a mess >.<


Well-Known Member
I just saw one on one of my jalepeno plants, which are next to my other plants. Going to dose them with some Spinosad.

GhettoGrower, those are spider mites, i would suggest setting of a small nuclear device in your room.

Here's mine I named him marvin:



Well-Known Member
I just saw one on one of my jalepeno plants, which are next to my other plants. Going to dose them with some Spinosad.

GhettoGrower, those are spider mites, i would suggest setting of a small nuclear device in your room.

Here's mine I named him marvin:

View attachment 2047773

So your saying their hard to get rid of but are they okay to smoke'em?
Your bug marvin that's not a spider mite it something else right?


Well-Known Member
No Marvin is a thrip. Spider mites are difficult to get rid of thrips are fairly easy as long as you are persistant.

Trust me, If it was a spider mite I wouldn't be joking about it (I've had them 2 times before, worst pest you can possibly have) :) I was just warning the other guy.

And no I try not to smoke any bugs :) However is it going to hurt you, no its not.