Thoughts on LEDS??


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:peace: :blsmoke:

aye mates, very new to this forum. TO get right to the point, hope everyone is doing well, and has anyone tried LED lights? Any of them. THey say blue for veg and REd for bloom. I was curious as to how effective they are, and they seem very handy for stealth blooms.*which is the application intended**
thank you all, and hope to hear your thoughts!


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Nelson Mutz

Well-Known Member
Non of you veteran growers have ever tried LED lighting to grow their plants? they say the plant absorbs 95% of the light emited from one and compare it to a 500w HID but it only pulls 10 watts. I would really like having some knowledable input please. THis is my first grow, but ive been lurking around this board for about 4 days LOL. heres a link to a type of led im looking at. eBay: LED Grow Light RED 168 growing lights Orchid Tropical (item 290069267959 end time Jan-16-07 12:42:11 PST)
I saw this too, while surfing around on eBay. I thought it was rather funny. If you're going to try them, I'm sure there are people who would want to hear about it. I just can't see it, though...



Active Member
heres a link with some research done. THey used more LED bulbs than HID did for their setup. But if you scroll down to the end of the page it has the results listed. not too shabby. IT says that the LED outperformed growth in certain stages, but over all results were equal. WHich is very exciting because you use less power, and no heat is generated meaning less ventation is required. Im preparing to order some Leds, be about a month or so before i can give feedback on it of minn study.PDF

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
leds deffo interest me .ive seen a grow done with them on another forum but he only used them through vegging ,and i have to say i was impressed .the only thing im not impressed by is the price of a decent led set up ( the cheap ones just dont do the job ) .im waiting for the price to come down and more research to be done ,but in my opinion leds are definately the future of growing .


Active Member
LEDs are excellent for plants and all living organisms -- best is white for plants. Have experimented with warm and cool whites and got same results. All plants thrive under LEDs. You can make them yourself. To see a light that would be appropriate for growing plants, go to XXXXXXX and select prototype. My jade plant has never bloomed in 30 years, but did so under this light.


Well-Known Member
Aluminum Foil:
Aluminum foil is no more than 55% reflective - if used, make sure that the dull side is the one that is used to reflect the light. When it becomes creased its reflectivity is even lower (around 35%.) It is also very dangerous to use because it creates hotspots easily, is electrically conductive, and is a fire hazard when it is in close contact with HID lighting. Attaching this to walls is a pain and usually using aluminum tape or glue is the best way. This should only be used as a last resort, and even then its usefulness is questionable.


Active Member
LEDs are excellent for plants and all living organisms -- best is white for plants. Have experimented with warm and cool whites and got same results. All plants thrive under LEDs. You can make them yourself. To see a light that would be appropriate for growing plants, go to XXXXXXXX and select prototype. My jade plant has never bloomed in 30 years, but did so under this light.
HOw much did that system cost you? and did they veg and bud all under that one light?

Thanks for all your replies!! I am taking notes :)


Active Member
hi there,
yea i have a lot of thoughts about l.e.d lamps. have done a few tests, and like what im getting out of it. would enjoy find out what other people have learned on this subject
have a great day


Well-Known Member
do not click onthe link from has a trojan virus attached to it. dude ur a piece of shit for that luckily i have a good virus scanner


Well-Known Member
well i only have one thread, but check it out, i am using LED's to supplement a 250w. Although since im a complete newb to growing period, my inconsistency with how much of the LED's they get, its hard to say, but once I go flower I'm going to have them spot on with the MH at 12/12, 1 plant with 2 of the 10w (or 12w i forget), 4 with 1, and 1 without any LED directly on it to see any difference (although some of the light from the others will get to it, this light wont be as strong as the direct LED)


Active Member

i have done some research on l.e.ds. i have post some info on the lighting and design area. MAD SCIENCE. ive also start a test subject. well see what happens. i hope this helps out.
have a great day


Active Member
Led is extremely useful for growing cannabis. Cannabis blooming requires 12 hours of darkness for the Pyr r to Pyr fr conversion to take place. This conversion is promoted by exposure of the plant to Red light at the wavelength of 730 nm. I was able to find an ebay led merchant that was actually a factory outlet from Hong Kong or China. He did a CUSTOM RUN for me, for a bag of 1000 730nm wavelength LED's for $100 US. You then have to find someone, or learn how to solder these LED s to a
perforated board (available from Radio Shack, or whatever it's called now, or other electrical supply store) Basically you just need an AC adapter for the power supply, some resistors in series with the LED's wired in series/parallel arrangement, to make
a small panel of 730 nm. wavelength LED's. I only used about 50 LED's, and illuminated my garden with it for about a minute at the beginning of the dark period. A FLASH of this light at the BEGINNING of the period of darkness, will immediately convert Pyr to Pyr fr, which is what she needs to signal her to bud. Then, she will only need 8 hours of dark instead of 12 hours. This allows for more yield, because now you have 16 hours of light per day instead of 12 hours. I found this out, by doing a google search for photomorphogenesis. Some of the articles that I found out back when are no longer available, however I did use this method and it worked well.

The above post is for entertainment purposes only, since I do not grow pot, and do not advocate breaking the law.