Those of you who live in the UK, Uber Cheap CFLs on 24th and 25th Jan 09


Active Member
Saw the advert in my 30 seconds of accidental TV watching. Its only valid this weekend but the Mirror newspaper is giving away one 11w and one 9w bulb with every paper purchased, and iirc they only cost about 50p each. Perfect for side and under lighting, or just lots of them as a main light as ill be doing.

Just thought I'd let you guys know.

I'm going to be getting lots and starting my first grow after lurking here for ages lol.

The information:


Well-Known Member
Also for UK people, you can get 2x 8 watt, and 2x 11 watt, completely FREE, provided:

you're aged 70+
or getting benefits such as:
Income Support,
Housing Benefit,
Council Tax Benefit,(not including single occupancy reduction),
Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance,
Attendance Allowance,
Disability Allowance,
Industrial Injuries
Disablement Pension

I ordered some for a friend who is on incapacity benefit a while back. They took about 6 weeks to arrive, but for free, you can't really complain. :-)

Order them from here:


Well-Known Member
radiation can suck my balls if it gives me bud. Apprently everything gives u cancer too. Burnt bread. Wi-fi. Telephones. And also its nothing new that bulbs give out rays that are harmful. We already know that artificial lighting in offices is abd for health and can cause some strain on people. Aswell as incandescents and infareds. To be honest i say fuck what the big man says. And bunn the erb! and enjoy life.

Peace to everyone.