This is my last attempt. Please, please somebody diagnose this shit.

high po

I am not sure any one in this forum can diagnose my problem.
I begin to believe universe doesn't want me to grow weed!

This is my 4th grow. Every grow attempt ended related to this problem. I tried, changed many things. (seeds, brand, soil types...) But always I ended up with the same problem.


These feminized white widows are 2 weeks old.

Soil is not pre fertilized.

I have never used a fertilizer yet.

The room is between 26-30 degrees.

Hum is around %50-%60

I am using a 250W CLF.

They are on 24/7 light.

There is a fan blowing over the plants with its rotation on all the time.

The room is ventilated by both the fan you can see on the floor and the one on the celling (by drawing the air)

The door of the room closed (not entirely still leaving it one finger open, a fan blows the air inside out) only when I sleep (Max 8 hours). For the rest of the day it is wide open.

I water them everyday (because of the small cup it drays out every day)

PH of the soil is 6.6

PH of the water is 6.8

on the first week everything was OK. Later the green on the main leafs started to fade. Then the leafs started to yellow from the tips....

What do you think?
What can be the problem?
The universe?
Global warming?



Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure your light is too close, it looks like you may be burning them. I would lift the lights and see if that changes anything. Everything else looks fine to me. Also, you gain very little by 24 hours of light. I would go back to 18/6 and see if that helps. My growroom is about 84 degrees F and 40% humidity and my girls really love it.

I really think if you raise the light up a bit, it would fix your problem.. It looks like from the pic that that HPS light is within a foot of your plants.

I keep 2x 400w HPS lights about 3-4 feet away from the top of my plants.


well I dont understand much but from what iv gathered and by basic logic if ur soild is not pre fertilized and u never used a fertilizer maybe the problem is that the plants dont have nutrients (like nitrogen which i THINK is the more important in that stage). so maybe try to use one? even if it is only on one pot to try?

high po

Dude my light is CLF not a hps :)

Im pretty sure your light is too close, it looks like you may be burning them. I would lift the lights and see if that changes anything. Everything else looks fine to me. Also, you gain very little by 24 hours of light. I would go back to 18/6 and see if that helps. My growroom is about 84 degrees F and 40% thumidity and my girls really love it.

I really think if you raise the light up a bit, it would fix your problem.. It looks like from the pic that that HPS light is within a foot of your plants.

I keep 2x 400w HPS lights about 3-4 feet away from the top of my plants.

Da Silva Satia

Active Member
ok so the same exact shit happened to me so I am all for helping
I used the same jiffy cups that you are using.....the ones with the hole at the bottom, right????
The lights aren't the problem because they are actually pretty cool and dont cause much burning.
evilcloudst is right about the 24 hours, doesnt really effect much....except your bill, so you should probably go to 18/6 .... 20/4 is also good

the real problem is that you are watering them everyday
try not to do that because you aren't allowing the roots to search for the water, and therefore not allowing it to grow and expand
another downside to watering everyday is that you are actually drowning the plants.....
during the beginning stages they are very fragile but water everyday will kill them

after my initial grow with the same setup almost I watered less and they grow a lot faster and greener
i used to wonder why my plants were growing so slow and finally figured it was the water
if you dont water for like a day and a half you will see they start to react well to it....but not too long

another thing is sometimes aluminum could burn them .......also had that problem......

:oops: my first grow was rough.....

but keep up the journal so we can help if we can........GOOD LUCK!!!!

Da Silva Satia

Active Member
well I dont understand much but from what iv gathered and by basic logic if ur soild is not pre fertilized and u never used a fertilizer maybe the problem is that the plants dont have nutrients (like nitrogen which i THINK is the more important in that stage). so maybe try to use one? even if it is only on one pot to try?
at this point in time i dont really think that fertilizer much helps because most soil has some kind of nutes and cannabis is a very rough and allowing plant
so i dont think thats the reason......but a little wont hurt


Simple problem, change your light times to 16 to 18 hrs on and 6 to 8 hours off. To much light will fry those leaves, spray the leaves before turning off the light. Job done.


Well-Known Member
pretty much all of the above bud. ive had this same problem with three of my plants. all 3 were planted in miracle grow organic soil, so i do not recommend it. the seedlings do in fact need some nutes. what i used is miracle standard mix for seedlings. it will supply them with nutes for id say, the first month or so. mix in id say 30% perlite and 70% miracle grow standard mix. if you can find better soil, for instance FF...go for it. as you mix your soil and perlite spray it so that its damp. i don't pour feed my seedlings water for the first week' or so. i always saturate the top by spraying only. when the surface drys spray again. no need to spray foliage. ive been told its bad for them.
i dont think your lights are too close.
try to make sure your next soil mix is warm, fluffy and moist. repot the plant then spray the top til saturated. give it 3 days and you will see healthy growth. the damaged leaves may even heal up. gl ...and yes..i would also let them breath. 18/6 light/dark hours per day.
ur giving them to much water the light seems to be fine and maybe transplant them to bigger pots. u should water once the soil is dried up a lil bit. if u stick ur finger in the soil and it is wet wait and check it the next day.

rob dos

I know how you feel but don't give up.

Just like us, plants need food, air and water on a daily basis. There is only one way to water your plants
on a daily and not worry about drowning them. You must give them only water that has been treated
with peroxide. Water does not kill plants or roots.It is the lack of oxygen to the roots that will kill a plant,
either quickly or slowly. Non-oxygenated water such as tap water or bottled water will send you on a wild
goose chase trying to figure out what is wrong with your plants. Plain water acts as a barrier to oxygen
in the air in the soil from contacting the roots.

Peroxide is converted directly to oxygen when it comes into contact with organic material. You can treat the
water yourself. Add 2 tablespoons of regular peroxide (3%) to 1 gallon of water. Distilled water is best
but tap water is ok. If you put your ear close to the soil after you have watered your plants you can hear
the oxygen bubbles being released into the soil.

I water twice a day. 4oz with each watering. Lost a number of plants just using plain water without peroxide.
Oxygen is also required for the roots to absorb nutrients and believe it or not, oxygen is required for the roots
to transport water to the upper levels of the plant.


Well-Known Member
what type of soil-
even though it doesn't have CHEMICAL fertilizer, the soil can still be "hot" due to the natural ingredients in the soil, fox farm ocean forest will burn seedlings UP, ff's seed mix is called light warrior, and doesn't have so much natural fert, typically in the form of bat guano, other types of "seedling mix" are just as good, better even due to lower price, or just sphagnum peat moss is great

over watering is an issue also and allowing the plant to dry out a little stimulates root growth, keeping the seedling or clone in near 100% humidity until it develops a good root structure will help with the medium wanting to get bone dry, a tall humidity dome works well for high humidity, think 1 gallon ice cream container for cheap

to me this plant has classic signs of burn from hot soil, if it was a deficiency the whole plant would turn yellow and wilt, no crispy
check these

those should give you some basic ideas, don't quit now you are gaining priceless experience

Da Silva Satia

Active Member
Simple problem, change your light times to 16 to 18 hrs on and 6 to 8 hours off. To much light will fry those leaves, spray the leaves before turning off the light. Job done.
already discussed not light because he uses cfl's

transplant into bigger pots, trust me, this same shit happened to me
dont think transplant would do much, cause of the size of the plants, but might help if over watering actually is the only prob