This is my first grow! Few questions


This is my first grow :joint:, clearly i picked the wrong summer to grow in my area. Its been a hot summer (highs have been over 100 for over 35 days even some days at 112) but i have my plants in a shaded spot. They get about 4 hours of direct light (2 hours morning sun and 2 hours at the Sun's peak) and plenty of shaded light. There are 4 female plants and the range from 3 ft 9 to 4 ft 1. I got the seeds from some Albino Rhino i had smoked. I have a few questions.
1. I know what heat stress can do to a plant but can the plant still grow a produce good buds? And any ideas on keeping my plants cool?
2. From the looks of the pic what could the yield be?
3.And from the looks of the pic how bad is the damage?
4.Is the plant still worth the time?
p.s it wont upload my pic but ill try to get it on here soon


New Member
your going to want more than 4 hours of light if you want a decent yield. Some states have issues but my state super hot and humid and my plants have not one heat stress issue. 110 avg heat index


I might be a lil off on the amount of direct sunlight. it could be anywhere from 4-7 hours.


I have one more question. Ive heard that after 2 months the roots cant take in that mainy nutes so its better to feed the plant through the leaves. Is that true or did someone make that up?


New Member
lol what? thats crazy. my plant was born in april and i still feed her nutes. She loves it :) so false for sure

foliar feeding most people dont do. i wouldnt put nutes on my leaves just water them nutes are strong especially if you mix it to strong