Thinking of going back to school... botany major?


Well-Known Member
I mean... why the hell not right? I basically spend all of my time reading, learning, and writing about growing pot, and my garden also contains tomatoes, catgrass, and catnip. It would be a fitting major.

I have two years of college as a "Business Administration" major completed. I just couldnt do it any more. I dropped out. So fucking BORING. I'm 20 years old. I've got my own place, my own car, and 2 jobs. Not that I didnt see it coming, but I can see now why a 4 year college diploma is SO important.

I've struggled with a career path for a long time. I dont know what I want to be. I feel like everyone my age has a career path, or at least a career goal. I honestly dont know what would make me happy doing, which is the main reason I left college. After my 2nd year, I had completed all of the "core" classes (classes that everyone of any major must take). I was originally an elementary education major. Took a semester of education classes. Cant say I didnt get anything out of them, but teaching wasnt for me. Started a business major. Attendance dropped. I thought a change of scenery would help... I transferred back home from my college that was 4 hours away. I enrolled in a new school and kept my business major. I was there less than a semester. I've been out of school and on my own for 6 months now.

The local school I transferred into is a very good school, and provided they would let me re-attend classes, they are known for agricultural studies and whatnot. I kind of think a botany major might be for me. Has anyone on here studied botany in a formal way? I'd like to gain some insight into what I'd be getting myself into if I went back. I'm not trying to fail out again. Anything you can tell me about a botany major would be appreciated.

btw, you think I'd be giving myself away? I hide my pothead persona pretty well, but could I really tell my grandmother that I'm studying botany?? lmao