thinkin of a pet business name +rep for a good one


Well-Known Member
If your dealing with that many pets....

I suggest....Animal House

A good movie and name. Rememberable too. Just a suggestion.

Also good for a pet store ...which is where I came up with the Idea but im not gonna open one now so you can have it if you want it.

WOW Jolly good call...goes to show you nothing is original...


Well-Known Member
Happy Tails 2 U


Happy Tails To You (now for the best part) at the bottom of the business card (or whatever) your slogan could be: "Until we meet again..." It's corny, but it'll work.

I am a business consultant by trade so I kind of know what I'm talking about here, although I admittedly don't know everything.

How far ahead has this plan been thought out? I'm not knockin' you, but if you're having problems coming up with a name for your idea, you probably haven't developed the idea far enough yet either. What the name is becomes insignificant compared to everything else. Ask the guy that runs Craigslist; he didn't want to call it that. It is a common misconception for inexperienced business people to think that the name is so important.

Just trying to help, I've been doing this for a little over 10 years now and actually have had some clients you would recognize, although here is not the place to list them.