Think my plant is DEAD :(


Well-Known Member
LOL well so far first day plants look about the same, and i am going to be upgrading the folgers to a larger one soon, my friend said he has a bigger folgers. and with air pumps i have 2 air pumps each with dual connectors and each air pump has one stone. So yea there are a CRAP load of bubbles. I will be getting larger container hopefully tomorrow, and if i dont get from friend might head to firehouse subs and get a 5 gal container and use that. Thanx for all the replies. and we shall see if it is over watered, and if it is not what else do u guys think the prob is. U think it might be just the size of my container.... odd though it only happens when i switched to flowering though.... hmm well we shall see, i just want my baby to LIVE so i can smoke her HE HE lol


Well-Known Member
ColoradoLove, you are all mixed up with misinformation bro. Research DWC a little more before you spread more bad info. The "key" or "main part" to a DWC is the roots grow INTO a highly oxygenated nutrient mixture. It has nothing to do with "misting" of the roots by the little oxygen bubbles popping at the surface. That's some of the goofiest shit I have heard in a long time. No doubt the humidity created by these little pops helps the root system at the base of the plant, it has nothing to do with a successful DWC. If you want "misting" you want aeroponics which is sometimes used in junction with a DWC system. The main key to a successful DWC grow is the aeration of the water. The more bubbles the better.

MikMike, it looks like you have been frying that plant. Also what is the water temp? You want it at 65 deg F all the time. Anything over 70 and the plants ability to take in oxygen is diminished as well as increasing the risk for root rot, which maybe be why your roots are all brown. Good Luck.
Roots only started turning brown when i add Bat Guano to it, before that it was WHITE and temp is about 67 just checked


New Member
The POINT OF DWC is not the MIST anything its for your roots to be DEEP in the WATER... i think you have your hydros confused. I can have the water at the base of my stem, maybe your using walmart fish pumps
Man I just can't listen to this nonsense. It's not about where you have your water, it's about changing the water level. His roots above the water level weren't used to it so when he changed it it took them some time to adjust. So yeah, you're right you can have your roots in the water, but you missed why it was effecting him.


New Member
As people have pointed change to a bigger container and save yourself a lot of hassle. Not sure if people pointed out that when you use R.O. water there is a good chance you'll need to supplement with cal-mag.