think i killed my seeds


Active Member
So I was germing my seeds in a. Glass in a heat pad they split and showed little root then just stopped growing they smell funny N have kind of a brown tint.... are they dead? + rep for help

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
how long have they been in the water? I think your only supposed to soak them in water for about a day or something. Either way as soon as the tap root cracks you need to plant into a moist medium. It's possible they are dead I just killed a bunch myself so I know the feeling.


Active Member
They were in a damp paper towel for about a day and a half I moved them to rockwool. Starter cubes today hoping they live


Well-Known Member
If you want to be a grower, hopefully you have a bit more patience than that.

If your taproot was brown and it actually smelled bad, yes, it's probably dead. Next time - as soon as it sprouts, put it into your grow medium.


Active Member
Ok thanks they weren't a dark brown had to look hard to notice and the smell wasn't overwhelming just could smell something a bit, but thanks do you think I should just give them a week and if no sign of sprout toss em?


Well-Known Member
ya i would but i have probs sproutin in cubes i left seeds in water for a week grew big planted with no probs might just be bad beans it happens


Well-Known Member
It never hurts to give them extra time. You never know - these damn plants will suprise the hell out of you. I just had one a week ago, two weeks after it had sprouted, grew a twin! So go ahead and wait - you might still get something.


Active Member
i think they actually lived.... YAY! i opened one of the tiny holes and looked in the cube and there was actually a lot going on lots of growth and they feel to be rooted into the cube!