Thick glass 9mm+ ??


Well-Known Member

so i had a water pipe from bongoutlet and was pleased with it however it was knocked over and broke fairly easily around where the downstem is (part that holds downstem).
On their site they say the glass is 7mm, idk

But i guess when i get a repalcement i dont want it to break so easily :(

Anyone have any good reputable vendors who sell thick glass water pipes? I want something i can drop and it wont break. Would prefer a business over a private blower just because ive had issues with private sellers in the past.

Guess i should really be asking what brand too....
I want to spend $100-250 ideally.


Well-Known Member
Just pick one up at your local shop and be more careful... glass breaks ;)

I've broken several Roors, still have several... my daily driver is now an illadelph 18" beaker.


Well-Known Member
you want a glass bong you can drop and wont break? like with a force field or something? lol. quit dropping your bong brah, its a total party foul. The last one I broke was about 4 years ago and it was actually my wife that knocked it over. Or get a tobacco master. Best plastic bong ever made. toss that bitch against the wall if you want. It has a gross wooden bowl or something but when I was a retarded kid that drops my bong and smoked brown frown it was perfect.