they look small


i planted in dirt on may 14th..the girls get decent sun..miracle grow like once a week..compared to other ppls they seem tiny to me..n most of dem dont have true leaves idk... got my pics on my social page n i know its wrong but its all i can do for the moment...wat can do to get them bigger please

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
i planted in dirt on may 14th..the girls get decent sun..miracle grow like once a week..compared to other ppls they seem tiny to me..n most of dem dont have true leaves idk... got my pics on my social page n i know its wrong but its all i can do for the moment...wat can do to get them bigger please
is it just plain dirt or anything else mixed in the soil? what's your ph?


i hit them a 50/5O of manure and garden soil mixed up..i think they are more sativa..i have no idea wat the ph is..but they bout 18 inches tall but not bushy at all

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
i hit them a 50/5O of manure and garden soil mixed up..i think they are more sativa..i have no idea wat the ph is..but they bout 18 inches tall but not bushy at all
without the correct ph, the plant will lock out nutreint intake and thus the plant won't grow. ph meters are about $12 and local landscaping business's.


i give them the miracle grow singles...they seem healthy i thought they were root bound but the soil they are is pretty decent


i mean its bagseed dude im just tryna get some experience under my belt for next season u know..but ill check the ph next week i they look ok to u?


Active Member
I planted these may 11th(10 of them in a 15x5 area).. there LST at a 45 degree angle and still have shoots coming up over 5 1/2 ft...they would be over 7 if not for the LST..and there a Sativa..I would def. check ph

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
i mean its bagseed dude im just tryna get some experience under my belt for next season u know..but ill check the ph next week i they look ok to u?
yeah, they look healthy. good luck this year and next, and hope it works out for you!


i knew they shoulda been alot bigger by now..fuck it i dont think i can save em...idk guess ill get ready for next year...thanx ppl..