The Weed Nerd~

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My experience with tolerance and potency etc. was this:

Sort of the opposite actually.

There was the great drought of '86 where there simply was no pot of any kind for about 6 months or longer, (where I was anyway). Pot I had smoken up to this point, was all incredible, just one delicasy after another. I couldn't believe how good it made me feel. I had been smoking for roughly 5 or 6 years at this point.

But 6 months or so later, pot came back, but it just wasn't the same, it didn't get me high like before. and my tolerance was down to nothing more or less... So if there ever was a time, I would have thought pot to seem potent to me, it would have been then.

But nada, the grass was never the same again, that was for sale anywhere that I could see.

The closest thing, that I have found, to pre 86 pot, is flowering the best strains of today, with fluroscent bulbs. This really amps up the flavor and potency, and even gives me sweet dreams that I can actually remember when I smoke it...


Well-Known Member
Maybe the switch from primarily outdoor landrace to more indoor and hybridized outdoor strains? Up to the that point there was a pretty good chance what you were getting came from a pretty much wild field :)

there's more to tolerance than simple tolerance... there's also the adjustment your brain makes to its state of being. After a while high is your norm and your brains expectation and how it orients itself. At that point you're never going to get as high as you did in those early days. I know exactly what you mean when you say what a radical shift there was, it happened for me too. Wasn't in 86 (for me) :)


Active Member
I agree. I've been smoking pretty considerably for the last 12 years. I had to quit for 60 days last year for some job training reasons. I smoked some spacedawg after i was completed and got so fucking high I had to lay down and talk to myself a bit. I agree that its all about tolerance. Smoke 15 hits a day for a month and I bet your eyes won't get as red
I disagree with this just because I am a very heavy smoker and edibles guy and my eyes are just always red , not super red but red none the least. I mean I'm smoking right now and probably load anoter bowl or two once I'm done with this one. I also have really blue eyes and my girlfriend thinks the blue+red and glassy makes it just look worse than it really is too.


Well-Known Member
guys must be young cause we went through that every summer and still do in the upper midwest from 1975 and still smoking its made me wish i lived in cali every year when its dry i grew up i north dakota and ya we had some older brothers would come home from the sevice they would send real ty sticks real mowi wowi shoe polish cans full of hash they got in germany so we wernt that shelterd shit we would drive to colarado to bring back coors beer.


Active Member
I disagree with this just because I am a very heavy smoker and edibles guy and my eyes are just always red , not super red but red none the least. I mean I'm smoking right now and probably load anoter bowl or two once I'm done with this one. I also have really blue eyes and my girlfriend thinks the blue+red and glassy makes it just look worse than it really is too.
I never said my eyes don't get red, I just said the stronger the tolerance the less red eyes will get. I believe it comes down to tolernace and human genetics. Red eyes does seem more prevelent in blue eyed people ive noticed


Active Member
To Michigangrows, I just went back and read my comment and yours and I guess its really all in who we are and our genetic make-up on how the cannabinoids affects our bodies. I only say this because of my father and he gets the red eye pretty bad too and he's like 56. So I guess its just who we are really.


Well-Known Member
I feel that in 1986 for whatever reason, that cannabis all over the world changed to some degree.
My memory is that the mid-eighties was when Skunk #1 and heavy indicas became the preferred commercial strains (in Upstate NY, anyway). It is also when the Dutch seed companies really started taking off. By that point, things like Thai Stick, Jamaican Lamb's Bread, Panama Red, etc. were already the stuff of tall tales from Uncles or older brothers. Paraquat was being used in Mexico and the US funded international crackdown had drastically reduced the quality of imports.


Well-Known Member
ok her is some thing Kool i bet i have poped oh 500 to 700 seed in my day here is somthing i never seen?169.jpg ripped bubba started 5/7/13


Active Member
ok her is some thing Kool i bet i have poped oh 500 to 700 seed in my day here is somthing i never seen?View attachment 2667360 ripped bubba started 5/7/13
I had a Jack Skellington like this It was weired every other set of branches was triploid like that and i was really hoping for a female but got a male instead. Ive had this like happen like three times and only once out of the three times the plant turned out female.


Active Member
So, I just got done lmfao at this news article I read about some Seattle Vetenarian who said there will be more reports of "poisoned" dogs who eat marijuana cigarettes tossed aside by those crazy pot smokers. Poor fido? I think not! I have attempted eating 9 grams of high quality dank flowers dripping with resin and absolutely nothing happened. Again, another case of the media propaganda and lies exposed by truth and facts. Is there anything we can actually believe from the people who are supposed to be serving us and standing for justice? Peace!


Ok I just wanted to update everybody about the FREE Fem Tijuana from blimburn seeds, in case anyone else recieved it free and was interested. Its still in veg, but smells way better than the greenhouse big bangs. Its about 6 weeks veg, and 24 inches tall after being topped 6 times. Wants to be very tall and lanky,its node spacing is some of the furthest I have ever seen, but thats probably just because I mainly grow indica dominant hybrids, and this is suppose to be a almost pure sativa. Which it definitely looked like it coulda been with one exception, the leaves look very indica. I cant post pic right now, cuz im on my phone, but if anyone wants to see it just ask and ill post it. Right now its in a 3.7 gallon plastic pot with roots coming out of the bottom, because half way through transplanting from a 1gal pot into a 5 gallon smart pot, I realized that I didnt have enough coco coir. We shall see what kinda buds she has together I assume. Keif


Active Member
Fuck i had one of the most stressful days of my life.
My mom has been in and out of mental hospitals for the past several months (she's bipolar, schizophrenic, and has manic depression)
They take here for a few days and send her home cause they dont know what to do to help her.
My dad had to take her back lastnight cause he hasn't slept fer days cause he has to take care of her constantly and its effecting him mentaly.

So after being at the hospital all night he got home at 3am and the hospital calls at 5am telling him to come get her its not mental and she has parkinsons.
He asked them to hold her for a day wile he can find a place to get her into cause he cant take care of her 24hours a day.
They didn't care about his well being at all told him if he didn't come get her they would call adult protective services and have him arrested for abandonment.
our medical system is fucking bullshit.
My dad was talking to a social worker already trying to find a place for my mom to go from the hospital.
He asked if they could arrest him and she said yes but probably wouldn't. But to call the adult protective services and explain what's going on. So he did.
But he also told the social worker he is growing medical merijuana cause he was worried the cops might come now. She told him get everything out the house asap.
Well were not just growin weed here though i grow large amount of shrooms as well.
So I spent the majority of the day getting plants, shrooms, and anything else illegal I had in the house to a safe place.

Now my dad was on the phone back and forth between the social worker and the hospital and the adult protective services all day.
The hospital said they were sending a van to bring my mom home. The social worker said there not allowed to do that and it pissed her off so she said for my dad to call the hospital and have them call her. He calls and the nurse that had threatened to call adult protective services now tells him a different doctor evaluated her and there gonna keep her for a few days cause they now think its mental and parkinsons and it all ties together.
I think they got a call from adult protective services and thats what changed there fucking minds. Bullshit.
My dad called adult protective services again and told them the hospital is gonna keep her for a few days now. And we found a place she can go when she gets out. He asked if they were gonna need to come and see/talk to him at home. They said no probably just a follow up call from a case worker.

So we pretty much emptied the house for nothing.

Now im not just posting this to complaine about our medical system. The fucking unfunny joke it is.

This is the first time they have mentioned parkinsons. She has to have some tests done before we know forsure. But I searched about it and she has every single simptom that's listed.
And i watched a video on youtube that michel j fox said ice skating gets rid of it for him AS LONG AS HE STAYS MOVING.
My mom is instantly ok being driven in the car or pushed in a wheelchair but as soon as you stop its back.
I think we should know forsure in a few days but i feel she probably has it.

So im posting this all looking for HELP PLEASE if you know anything about parkinsons or how to manage the effects.

I know michel j fox uses weed to help but i dont know what it does to help exactly.
I tried reading an artical online about how marijuana helps parkinsons but it was hard for me to comprehend. Seemed like you need a damn science degree to understand it.
What i did get from it was that parkinsons causes blockage of cb1 and cb2 receptors and cannabinoids like thc and cbd have anti inflammatory and other evects that help unblock those receptors.

Im wondering if anyone knows if high cbd is good for parkinsons?

Any help is highly appreciated.


Active Member
So, I just got done lmfao at this news article I read about some Seattle Vetenarian who said there will be more reports of "poisoned" dogs who eat marijuana cigarettes tossed aside by those crazy pot smokers. Poor fido? I think not! I have attempted eating 9 grams of high quality dank flowers dripping with resin and absolutely nothing happened. Again, another case of the media propaganda and lies exposed by truth and facts. Is there anything we can actually believe from the people who are supposed to be serving us and standing for justice? Peace!
hate to rain on your parade but my dog ate one roach out of my ash tray and got to high to take care of himself. So I know from experience that the K9 can get wasted off the stuff. They have a totally different genetic make-up then we do. Still don't agree what this vet is saying though about poisoned dogs on the streets, that's just some strong willed person to try stop shit there and is going to get no where.
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