The Ultimate Odour Control Thread


i put a towel under the outside of the grow room door, and that has helped a ton already. im just gonna have my girl cook something that smells dank right before they come. bacon or something. then they'll just be all "mmmmm bacon. yum you cooked us bacon" and i'll be like "yeah". thats how i see it goin down in my head.
Excuse my short post but I just had to say.....lololololOLOLOLOL hahaha


Active Member
does the ona block affect the buds taste or smell at all?

got a couple being shipped to me soon....thanks for any advice!!!!!!

i was planning on buying a couple of those glad things that spray every so often and a air purifier fan and throwing it in the closet. would that cover the odor of 4 plants?


Active Member
i was planning on buying a couple of those glad things that spray every so often and a air purifier fan and throwing it in the closet. would that cover the odor of 4 plants?
Nope that won't work, all it will do is cover it up slightly, check out ona gel. It does wonders


Well-Known Member
I'm about to grow 4 plants of northern lights. If i just make a diy carbon filter will that be fine?? I thought about getting an ozone generator just in case they do I can turn it on in my house.


Active Member
I just recently purchased a Big blue industrial ozone generator 8". I have 3 flowering rooms with a constant stench. I have 3 -6" ducts from each of the rooms come into 1 -8" which then goes into a tornado 8"fan(which I remotely turn on/off depending on odor) then it goes into my ozone generator then winds through 20 ft of 8 inch then exits outside. This thing is the shit! my neighbor thinks we stopped growing because he doesnt smell it anymore(damned mooches always lookin for a free toke) Big blue was around 350$ and lots of work running the ducting but is a permanent solution and zero maintenence. I am now 100 % stress free knowing theres no smell even with 100+ plants in a small apartment. For shits and giggles ill turn the generator off just to see neighbors trippin wondering wtf is that dank coming from? I also use a carbon filter with a can fan for my intake filter for each room, keeping dust and bugs out. maybe expesive but if your going to do it do it right!


Well-Known Member
good post, odor is a rough issues for us urban growers... tough subj. i've never gotten to the point where odor was a problem tho... : (


Active Member
hey guys i recently just purchased a carbon filter/fan combo off ebay, it is a stand alone unit, i ran it for 10 hours yesterday and couldnt smell a thing, this morning it smelled again but i turned the fan on for a few hours and the smell was gone, anyone know anything about these stand alone units and is it ok to use in the room where my tent is and where i am exhausting into? thanks


The most amazing product that I have discovered is the fresca sol water cooled fixture. It eliminated an array of problems that I have been dealing with for a long time. No need to vent anything anywhere. I use a 1000 watt hps in it and there is virtually no heat put off, smell! I was surprised that reducing the heat eliminated the strong smell also. I use a 55 gallon plastic barrel to hold the circulated water and drop frozen 2 liter bottles of water in during lights off period and the water is good and chilled for the next day. Also, this allows me to keep the light within 5 inches of the plants.
My grow room is a combined plant grow and mushroom grow. I save a load of electricity by not having the ac running constantly to keep the temp where it needs to be for both crops. I was using 105 watt cfls, a dozen of them, and the heat problem was a bitch. Not to mention i was sucking up over 1256 watts and not getting near the production.
The fresca sol has eliminated heat, venting, a/c, and humidity problems and I'm saving a lot of money every month to boot. Beats the hell out of every air cooled system I've ever seen.


Well-Known Member
WOW! 2 liter soda bottles to chill the water????!!!! So no need to buy an water chiller???<which are expensive! So i'm down to save $$$$$ on a chiller....
Couple of questions....How many bottles do you put in there? what are your temps & humidity like?? I to have been researching and VERY intrested in water cooled lights for a while now, and was un-decided on the fresca-sol or ice box heat next set-up is gonna consist of 2 x 1000hps so watercooling only seems right....BTW, any pics of set-up??? Peace...


Active Member
ok im making a little grow box in my closet. i want no odor from it at all. whats the best and cheapest way? i have an exhaust already as well