The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
well ufc day today! the child loves watching the fighting,,,im guessing its not helping towards the childs violent tendencies hmm lol,,shes gotta be able to ctik up 4 herself rite?? lol


Well-Known Member
no shit???? means give summet to sum1 then change ur mind and take it bak
IC3-Cheers for the explanation lol, not heard that one before

An DST -mate im not a big fan of Kush`s so you are more than welcome to have these with my blessing, and if your that stuck on the indian giving thing then how about we leave it as if in future you ever get a strain id like to try ya just send me a few beans or if you create more seeds with these im giving you then just send me some of the newly created seed when they are complete? Im not massively bothered if i dont get anything in return but if ur gonna insist lol


Well-Known Member
Also cant remember which one of you it is that owns Devil`s Harvest but just found a few lads that needed some advice on your strains so ive told em to pop in here and bend your ear.


Well-Known Member
I don't need any DOG seeds, I got the Momma DOG, lol. Also just harvested a load of BX1 DOG seeds as well.

I am friends with the guys from Devils Harvest, I don't think either of them are on this site, International Canna or THCfarmer you can find Devils Harvest. They are over in San Fran at the Cup just now i think.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
how's it going ladies and gents?
I think whilst trying to figure out how to add pics I may have damaged my laptop, turns out jabbing it didn't help lol I think I broke a fan or something as it gets really hot now on one side and randomly has crazy moments when turning it on.
Alls not lost though the misses thinks she figured it out (Cheers MRT much appreciated mate)
After this run is done with I'm gonna get a digi camera without all that exe shit and start throwing pics up of the different strains I'll be growing from seed and the clone onlys will be run next to them under their own light.
seed strains will be positronic AK47 X critical mass and sensi seeds super skunk, I'll order some serious seeds WR swell in the next couple of weeks as my back ups for the above seed strains and will be running them after the above seed strains just for the weight.
Now I've written it down I'll have to crack on, should have most of it done 2mo but depends on how the back holds up the attic I'm in I can't even stand up straight in lol also gonna have to figure out how to squeeze it all in 2x600w hps, Large 8bulb t5 and a 200w cfl for clones, Ideally the space I have to work with would be ideal for 1x600 maybe 2, fuck know's where it's all gonna go, but I'll get it figured out.


Well-Known Member
@ w.dragon i feel bad now mate for recomending that program if it stressed you out lol.

i was watering my girls (and fucking boys :-( ) last night and my 4 years old daughter came up the stairs. i went to the bedroom door to make sure she couldnt see anything and she said are your plants growing dad? i said what plants? she said you know the green things in your room. im going to have to get the attick done out by xmas i think. i dont want her going into school saying my dad grows plants in a black tent thing


Well-Known Member
@ w.dragon i feel bad now mate for recomending that program if it stressed you out lol.

i was watering my girls (and fucking boys :-( ) last night and my 4 years old daughter came up the stairs. i went to the bedroom door to make sure she couldnt see anything and she said are your plants growing dad? i said what plants? she said you know the green things in your room. im going to have to get the attick done out by xmas i think. i dont want her going into school saying my dad grows plants in a black tent thing
yeh my 2yr old knows them as daddys tree;s lol

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
@ w.dragon i feel bad now mate for recomending that program if it stressed you out lol.

i was watering my girls (and fucking boys :-( ) last night and my 4 years old daughter came up the stairs. i went to the bedroom door to make sure she couldnt see anything and she said are your plants growing dad? i said what plants? she said you know the green things in your room. im going to have to get the attick done out by xmas i think. i dont want her going into school saying my dad grows plants in a black tent thing
lmao no worries on your part mate, Im grateful for the help, the prob is I've never been one for computers and never even joined up here until the plants I was growing were going into flower and didn't want to have to carry on mixing ferts up, when there's so many easy options.
Looks like it's time to move them mate don't want the school getting involved, converting an attic is pretty easy to do on ya own. the only prob is it becomes a chore carting everything up and the environmental conditions changing all the time, the best part about it is no more worrys about who's popping over and you can leave all your windows, blinds/curtains open all the time without worrying about that one room in the house lighting up like a stadium everyday, also it's hard to be suspicious of a house when you can see all the rooms with nothing suspect.


Well-Known Member
@ w.dragon i feel bad now mate for recomending that program if it stressed you out lol.

i was watering my girls (and fucking boys :-( ) last night and my 4 years old daughter came up the stairs. i went to the bedroom door to make sure she couldnt see anything and she said are your plants growing dad? i said what plants? she said you know the green things in your room. im going to have to get the attick done out by xmas i think. i dont want her going into school saying my dad grows plants in a black tent thing

Their passion flower ;) or that's what i told my older 2 when they were little, mine are going to the top of the house when i move too their in the cellar at the moment which is better but i won't have that option when i go but at least i'll have a flat garden :)


Well-Known Member
lmao no worries on your part mate, Im grateful for the help, the prob is I've never been one for computers and never even joined up here until the plants I was growing were going into flower and didn't want to have to carry on mixing ferts up, when there's so many easy options.
Looks like it's time to move them mate don't want the school getting involved, converting an attic is pretty easy to do on ya own. the only prob is it becomes a chore carting everything up and the environmental conditions changing all the time, the best part about it is no more worrys about who's popping over and you can leave all your windows, blinds/curtains open all the time without worrying about that one room in the house lighting up like a stadium everyday, also it's hard to be suspicious of a house when you can see all the rooms with nothing suspect.
i got to get them up there. i made a start at doing it out when i first got my tent. i boarded half of the floor but the tent was a bit too tall so i left it. my brothers a bit of a builder so i can get him down to give me a hand. im more computers than diy lol
Their passion flower ;) or that's what i told my older 2 when they were little, mine are going to the top of the house when i move too their in the cellar at the moment which is better but i won't have that option when i go but at least i'll have a flat garden :)
if i said that she'd ask for a look. i was stupid and told her its her birthday pressent which is next month, so i better get her something like a plant. i'd love to have a basement to grow in. i bet the temps stay quite regular down there dont they?


Have subbed to this thread and noticed u mentioned yr kids...just out of interest what do ppl do regarding children and hobbies in the house? is it better they know nothing or at a certain age is it better that they have a basic understanding?
and understand why they can't show their mates or blab at school? something i often ponder.


Well-Known Member
Have subbed to this thread and noticed u mentioned yr kids...just out of interest what do ppl do regarding children and hobbies in the house? is it better they know nothing or at a certain age is it better that they have a basic understanding?
and understand why they can't show their mates or blab at school? something i often ponder.
i'd always try and keep it secret even if they where older and smoked it themself i still woundnt want them knowing. i know what kids are like, you tell them not to say anything but they'll tell their best mate and it wont be long before every fucker know


Well-Known Member
Temps can still hit 33c at night with 2 600's running @ 650 each and that's with a 6" fan extracting to a 4" stench pipe and warmblood show then as little as possible children don't lie so will tell the truth when asked (up to a certain age anyway lol)