The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Cleared. Thats reminded me, yesterday I had to take my cat Frankie to the vets. He wasny pissing, happens every 6 months or so. Gets a few jags and tablets, I pay the usual £70, everyones happy. Cat pisses, Vet is rich, girl off my back. My m8 gave me a lift down and we were waiting in the waiting area. Already quiter giggly as were imagined everyone thought we were benders. 2 guys with a cat at the Anyway a vet comes out the room and says to the woman sitting across from us "What colour is your box", my m8 quick as you like says "what kind of question is that to ask a lady". Im fucking 30 and hes 41, we were pissing ourselves like a couple of schoolboys. From everyones reaction I dont think anyone got the humour. Thats what keeps me going, shit like that. lol


Well-Known Member
hows u sambo whens the update pics mate
yeah im not too bad had a nut-do last week and punched something fuck nos what but it was hard cause the swelling on me hand still aint gone down n carnt use the last 2 fingers still lol need to get it xrayed but feel like a twat saying er i punched something thats why its fucked up doc.

apart from that all good m8, will get the cam out again in a few wks still need to work out how im gonna support em.


Well-Known Member
hi everyone , hows RIU today?

anyone who gets 2 min , check out my journal got a quick Q in there regarding problems :)


Well-Known Member
yeah im not too bad had a nut-do last week and punched something fuck nos what but it was hard cause the swelling on me hand still aint gone down n carnt use the last 2 fingers still lol need to get it xrayed but feel like a twat saying er i punched something thats why its fucked up doc.

apart from that all good m8, will get the cam out again in a few wks still need to work out how im gonna support em.
I can sympathise with that, i upercutted a guy a few years back caught him square in the forehead didn't brake my hand but badly bruised it just as well i hit him as hard as i did otherwise i would of been fucked with just 1 hand lol, the guy that xrayed my hand just shook his head when i told him lol


Well-Known Member
ye but never unlucky for long but i do like to have a good looky just like you chaps...... show me your big buds go on you no you want to ;-)
(Copied and pasted from Outdoor section on the advice of another member)

OUTDOOR UK 2011 grow concerns and questions!

Planted in late April, early May in large outdoor pots, and I've got a lot of nice ladies on the go.

Most are in the early/mid stages of budding. Some of them are not yet budding at all (though they've all shown evidence of their "femininity").

Even those that are budding seem to be doing so later than previous years.

I'm particularly worried about my late bloomers. Some of the plants are very tall, and already the heavy rain and high winds have not been good for them.

I've taken what I can indoors overnight whenever the weather has been very extreme, but I've got too many on the go to build a greenhouse.

Questions to other outdoor growers in the UK:

Have you noticed any difference in the growing-rate of your plants this year due to the crap (cold, wet, windy) weather?

I'm worried about too much rain, wind, potential mold, and the possibility of some of them that aren't yet budding perhaps not even being ready by late-Oct.

I've grown outdoors several times, and have never had to face such bad weather conditions. Any advice, suggestions from other folks in the UK?