The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
these nicotine patch's are torture! they dont stick on unless you use some of the medical tape shit, was having a drink last night n musta ripped it off abit too hard took out a load of skin aswel lol


Well-Known Member
guy should be fetching that canoe tomoz 180 ive ended up paying got the price wrong but oh well still ok?
n its got spare new bags and a new cleaning kit he said its been an ornament more than out lol thats what ma davinci 2 like now tho stuffed in cuboard cause i started killin a q a day on it! couldnt afford it man ha so put it away cause i was just walking round wi it like a cig! hopefully this canoe will help mi cut the cigs out but i said that of the vape :roll:
Your gettin a canoe man thats cool didn know u was into water sports ;)


Well-Known Member
never tried the patches tbh i just really think in my head they dont work so its pointless me trying them its the hand to mouth thing wimmi always need to be doing somat or get agitated lol cigs are the hardest thing ive tried so many times but just smoke again


Well-Known Member
never tried the patches tbh i just really think in my head they dont work so its pointless me trying them its the hand to mouth thing wimmi always need to be doing somat or get agitated lol cigs are the hardest thing ive tried so many times but just smoke again
they deffo work mate, try the patches aswel as the mouthspray or sumfing thats instant, the patch's are feeding ya constant nicotine then you got the mouthspray or whatever for times like when you just eaten or woke up.

id never tried to give up in over 20yr of smoking, this is me first go but yeah the patche's n something that gives you instant nicotine are working really well aint even been that hard unless im pissed then ive had a few cigs but nowt compared to the 30+ rollies a day i was smoking, me chest feels shitloads better already.


Well-Known Member
yeah they give u nicotine no doubt my gf spewed all over off the patches lmao
thats me all over that 20 to 30 a day j's included tho its the keeping busy part when i was working i only smoked at night really its boredom for me thats why i always fail i think
i tried the mouthh spray once in the a green bottle i inhaled as i squirted it n it fucking choked me lol and i couldnt stop burping off it for some weird reason


Well-Known Member
fuck inhaling the mouthspray id spew i reckon its nasty as, i was told to spray it on the inside of ya mouth n even then it burns lol can see how people get sick of the patch's, the combo of the spray n patch has made me feel abit ill at times like a nicotine overdose.

you have also go that plastic fake cig aswel u could try, taste like id imagine chewing a dogend taste but keeps ya hands busy, or them tabs you not thought of trying them makka the champix i think they called.


Well-Known Member
ive never heard of the champix actually i will check them out

anythings better than the cigs tbh
them e-cigs are not too bad but then i read some shit about formaldehyde when the vg hits the coil at high temps
an it put me off then i thought about getting an e-cig and making some tincure just for weed but again it needs mixing with vg to make it runny i will touch on that again when i got time i thinking fuck the dehyde shit cuz its gotta be better than cigs

u never seen that film about cig companys and some one kidnapss a cig rep and sticks loads of patches on him and he nearly dies i think its based on a TS


Well-Known Member
theres loads of people selling that weed vape juice on the darknet, fuck theres even 1 selling crack vape juice.

is it just a myth or cause you use a roach not a filter aint joints with bacci really bad for ya?

never heard of that about the patch's lol they are abit rough tho, leave a proper red patch of skin wen you take it off and thats without the skin you rip off if you got the tape holding it on lol


Well-Known Member
yeah i smoke joints with backy so its just same as smoking really aint it thats y i got vape but dint work so getting this volcanoe thingy try and dash the cigs n js n smoke that instead hopefully not as much weed but i dont know lol i dont even know what a normal size load init is?
u could give ur self a wax with them haha atleast they working for u mate

crack juice! ffs whats next man lol


Well-Known Member
think ive read that joints with bacci are alot worse than just a cig, dunno how true it is but pretty shore ive read it somewhere, ive only had a couple of go's on a volcano mate so not really shore on dosage etc have used that divinci vape you got aswel tho and can say the volcano is in a different league, lovely way to smoke super tasty.

yeah crack vape juice wtf lol if the vendor had a better rating i might be tempted lol


Well-Known Member
must be a mad cookin process to liquify it
thats gotta be heart attack tackle that lmao

good to know i was hoping it would be nicer then the vape i cough my head off if i pull to hard it kills me tbh
so i smoke it like a cig but faster lol
yeah your right tobacco unfiltered in js has got to be alot worse than with a filter for sure and i couldnt smoke a j with a filter fuck that!