The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
im getting fucking sick of smoking pollen lol have some real nice pollen but been smoking it all week, should have some bud next week tho.


Well-Known Member
Hash is nice as a little change but u canna beat bud man you'll be loving it when you got some wax and a rig first week or so its pure knockout material you'll love it


Well-Known Member
whats all this shit with potroast taking over rolli's account nowdays then? i thought as much ages ago that rolli wasnt involved in the sites too much anymore.
Rollitup or potroast or another one i cant remember the name of= potroast
admin= site owner


Well-Known Member
Back in the day I use to know some hard hitters that could get quantity of anything like pills, coke, heroin, meth, etc.

they had connects to mexican cartels and it was always shady dealing with them like you didn't know if you would make it out the door but we always did. I never got the coke or heroin just pills, LSD, and Bud. I was a teenager then living in Austin so we went balls out not caring about shit and we were strapped I had 9mm and my buddy had a tech 9 so our dumb ass's were ready for anything but thank god it never got to that.

this was all in Dallas, home to 6.5 million people in the metro


Well-Known Member

That's the one I've got now rambo and that's the seller they've got loads of bits n glass nail broke the other week so u might wanna get your sen a new glass nail and dome I've got a domeless to come with it but I think u get better hits with a glass nail and dome plus when u put your thumb over the dome it proper clouds the bong up and gives a creamy rip ;)


Well-Known Member

That's the one I've got now rambo and that's the seller they've got loads of bits n glass nail broke the other week so u might wanna get your sen a new glass nail and dome I've got a domeless to come with it but I think u get better hits with a glass nail and dome plus when u put your thumb over the dome it proper clouds the bong up and gives a creamy rip ;)
is a rennie indegestion tab just pure bicarb soda???

yeah the dabbing is a itch i gotta scratch, plus i was put a few mates who think they can smoke to shame lol