The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
dirty energy companies raising their prices over here. 27p kwh! daylight robbery. count the pennies n all. looking at all the cfl's on ebay and they tell you how much youre saving "assuming youre running 8 hours a day, 5 days a week at 10p kwh", so you might as well rule all that out

ive got a 600w on the way and my vegging plant is struggling with the low amount of cfl's ive got at the moment. Compared to Americans it seems a bloody struggle to get easy access to daylight white, high watt bulbs. I'm even coming up with very little on ebay, and the ones I find are extortionate for simply 20w. Whether as over in the great USA they seem to get cheap chinese shit for like a dollar a pop.


Well-Known Member
morning ladies, billy thats the best fucking bit ! well bar the smoking. not feeling today so sick of getting train to work !

maybe im just sick of working actually lol.


Well-Known Member
well opened my seeds and they are nearly all crushed...bollucks............mornin men , women and others.........


Well-Known Member
okay gents, bit of advice needed here.all my seeds popped all over 2" in height and a root popping through the rock wool. so i fill the dwc buckets ,pop the airstone etc in get it running, wash the hydroton, fill the bucket until they just touch the arse of the net pot(?, i do this at first until theres enuff root thru and then reduce the watera bit until its around and inch or so below the net pot base?) put cubes in and put enuff pebbles to surround and support the cube. do i add any nutes at this point and if so how much per litre? i'm using Ionics. im putting them on 18/6 under a 400 dual spectrum. does everything sound ok gents, any advice here is welcome.


Well-Known Member
Get them in the oxy's. Have they got proper leafs yet??? If they have use nutes. They pots hold 15l m8. I would add 15ml of grow m8 for about a week then double up and so forth until your at full capacity. Put the pebbles in right to the top of the net then make a gap for your rockwool. The roots wont be long in finding that water. I always just filled up to the net aw the time. Remember when they have a massive root system your only going to get about 8l of water in they and they will drink that every day when in flowering