The Two Santas


Well-Known Member
Republicans watched as Dems offered social security, medicare, medicaid, more help for working folks, and all the other things. Republicans fought each and every one, they begrudged individuals any sort of help, any offering or "gift".

At every turn they appeared to the public to be scrooge to Dem's Santa Clause.

What do we do they asked, how can we be santa too? what can we give the people so we will look less disgruntled and curmudgeonly. We want to give stuff away too, we want to be loved as well but no one loves a scrooge

What about taxes! We can offer the people less taxes and we too can be Santa Claus

Better yet, when they get these lower taxes, we can starve the other programs in the bargain by claiming that Dems have all these give away programs and no way to pay for them. Sooner or later we can prove what we have always known, that government doesn't work.

And so it evolved that the United States got two Two Santas